Thank for the feedback! You may be surprised to learn this isn’t a bug, but comes from the CommonMark markdown spec for “loose” lists (lists with internal newlines):
Deepdwn isn’t 100% CommonMark compliant (especially in the editor), but much of the markdown preview is.
Hope that helps!
[edit] Common ways to handle this if you want to separate two lists of the same type without treating it as one ‘loose’ list would be:
Use different markers for the two lists:
* list 1 item 1
* list 1 item 2
+ list 2 item 1
+ list 2 item 2
- list 3 item 1
- list 3 item 2
1. Ordered list 1 item 1
2. Ordered list 1 item 2
3) Ordered list 2 item 1
4) Ordered list 2 item 2
Add a separator
* list 1 item 1
* list 1 item 2
<!-- -->
* list 2 item 1
* list 2 item 2