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Bug: Lists separate when there are two similar sequential lists

A topic by Alzarath created Mar 29, 2021 Views: 141 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 2
(4 edits)

Deepdwn v 0.20.0
Linux 5.11.5-arch1-1 (Arch Linux x86_64)


Create a list with 3 or more values. Insert an empty line between two entries in the list


When creating two similar lists in order, all entries appear to be separated into individual lists in the preview window. This only applies to lists of the same type (e.g. ordered, unordered).


When creating two lists separated by an empty line, two lists should form.


This also applied to the previous version.

(2 edits)

Thank for the feedback! You may be surprised to learn this isn’t a bug, but comes from the CommonMark markdown spec for “loose” lists (lists with internal newlines):

Deepdwn isn’t 100% CommonMark compliant (especially in the editor), but much of the markdown preview is.

Hope that helps!

[edit] Common ways to handle this if you want to separate two lists of the same type without treating it as one ‘loose’ list would be:

Use different markers for the two lists:

* list 1 item 1
* list 1 item 2

+ list 2 item 1
+ list 2 item 2

- list 3 item 1
- list 3 item 2

1. Ordered list 1 item 1
2. Ordered list 1 item 2

3) Ordered list 2 item 1
4) Ordered list 2 item 2


Add a separator

* list 1 item 1
* list 1 item 2

<!-- -->

* list 2 item 1
* list 2 item 2
(1 edit)

I see. Apologies for the misunderstanding. I couldn’t quite find any information on why one would want to use a loose list, but I trust there is a reason for it.

A way around it is just using different types of lists, such as

* First
* Second

- Third
- Fourth

Stylistically not a fan, but if it’s what needs to be done.

No worries! It’s something I only learned about working on this project.