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So, this one was a lot more of a prototype than I expected. It's pretty rough overall, and at least on my browser and system had serious sound issues with clicks, pops, and lag.

Getting some serious sapphic vibes from the key art. I'm cool with that.

There's a really long delay between when you die and when you respawn, but it's still possible to get spawnkilled. Temporary invincibility on spawn and a much shorter delay would work better. 

I have no idea what the indicators in the left mean. I think they have something to do with the enemies spawning, but it's not clear what.

I found it really hard to dodge well but this might just be because I suck at bullet hells. That being said, the player hitbox felt a bit large compared to others I've played. Other than that, it plays well enough.

The biggest issue with the gameplay, though, is that switching characters is central to it but doesn't seem to be very useful. They have different attacks, but as far as I can tell, that's it, and they don't seem to really be better for one situation or another compared to each other. I'd really like to see some more differentiation here.

I'm a bit divided on the portraits being shown ingame. I love the art itself, and I love that it changes as you lose lives, but the placement is pretty awkward and the purpose isn't clear; it feels like it's just there to show it off. But it is really nice...

Bottom line, the art is really nice and the gameplay has potential but needs some work.

Well i learned after the Jam that it is actually a Problem of the Engine it self that the sound can get all glitchy in the html5 Version.

so hewre is a funfact it was actualy planned to have visuel novel parts but the story script wasnt finished. The logic and all is there to be a Visual Novel player but without a story it was no use.

Since we had an a and b side of a track the idea arised use aa switch mechanic between two characters ^^ and the pictures on the right were indeed basically used to show them off. Our artist did a realy great work but mostly for the now cut VN part. so we reused the Art as a Health indicator ^^

I saw one or two other games with the same issue so I was kind of thinking along those lines as well.

Looking at the character art, that actually makes a lot of sense. Kinda too bad that didn't pan out, I would have loved to see VN sections, but I think we all had to cut stuff to make the deadline.