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First off, hats off to the sound designer. The sound effects are excellently-placed, the ambience fits the tone perfectly, and the stingers are a HUGE help to developing your horror aesthetic. It's sound implementation like this that makes me particularly giddy about game audio.

Coupled with that are awesome graphics and a great, yet simple, story that helps players get immersed in your world right from the get-go. And seriously, with a game like this, I was tense all the way through, then I get a ending that just... felt good. A nice tone shift without it feeling jarring; that's nice.

The only issue I ran into was how object layering worked: the player can go on top of trees, but not behind lamp posts. But it really didn't take away much from the overall experience.

Nicely done, I'm glad I played this.

If you have the time, feel free to check out Black Blizzard:

Thanks so much for your comment. The thing I was the most proud of was the sound implementation so reading your comment felt awesome.  And I agree with your CC, fixing the object layering was one of the things on my polish list that I never got around to. Next game jam, I plan on being more cognizant of the object layering during the scene building.