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A member registered Mar 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great game! The atmosphere is really creepy due to the horrifying monsters, sound design, and lighting. I thought you nailed the amount of lighting, it was real scary creeping forward and slowly being able to make out objects through the trees but being unsure what it was. I also really appreciated your use of checkpoints because I felt they made a hard game more forgiving. Only suggestion would be adding a little more feedback on death, even killing the player movement script would help.

Nice work!!

Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you liked the atmosphere! Yeah, people getting lost was definitely something I saw in the limited playtesting right before submission. It was tough to find the right balance between making the player explore and giving them a direct path. I think there was a previous comment about the non-skippable intro, but I agree... it really should've been skippable or checkpoints should have been added.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the atmosphere! I agree the  batteries could be tuned a little better! LOL the laughter is pretty similar to your profile pic's laugh, that's a bummer though, I wonder if it was a bug or a mechanic that wasn't clear. Thanks for your feedback!!

It feels great to read a comment that has praise for the exact features you spent a lot of time on and wanted to get right. Thank you!

LOL, object layering was definitely not the strong suit of this game :D I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks a lot for you comment. Funny enough, I doubled the battery life (from 40s->80s) in a patch about 15 minutes before submission deadline because all of the people who had playtested it were dying multiple times and I intended for the game to be beat without dying or only dying once. Basically, I was scared of "wasting" the players time by making a game too difficult because there are a lot of games in a game jam for people to try. In hindsight, I wish I had more time to develop a better solution than doubling battery life.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback, it was definitely slenderman inspired, but 2D. That's a good callout on skippable text - additionally, I wish I'd made it so if you die you don't have to re-watch the intro text. There was a lot of polishing to do that I didn't have time to complete. 

A related tangent: This was my first game jam, and one component I found interesting/difficult is striking the right balance between time spent adding more content to the game and time spent polishing. At some point you get very little return on investment for polishing and risk not spending enough time building a cool game. On the other side, if the game is severely lacking polish it can be immersion breaking and can make an otherwise fun game unenjoyable.

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback!

Neat game with a cool aesthetic and sounds. I enjoyed how much text there was packed into the game. The game did a good job setting up a creepy backstory for the house with various characters... Leena was quite disturbing o.o.

I do think the game could benefit from some polishing. One example was when I finished reading a text box, if I prompted the next text box, they overlay on top of each other.

Nice work on this game!

Nice game. I loved the background song, it was a banger and fit the theme well. I thought that being able to destroy projectiles was a nice mechanic that made the game more fun/skill-based. I also thought the theme was absurd in a good way. Although, I will admit that the line about making the meatsacks breed had me thinking about the logistics of that (something I never wished to think about). Nice work on the game!

Cool game, the aesthetics and sound design were great. The writing was really good as well, which is important, because it needs to be with a game like this where so much of the player engagement comes from the text. The game does a great job making you feel all alone and responsible for your crews safety. One suggestion (take this with a grain of salt, because it might just be personal preference) is to make the enemies easier to understand. I was often in a fight with an enemy that wasn't in the region I was moving to which felt unfair. Reminds of GMTK video "Good AI is predictable".

Thanks for your comment and suggestions, glad you liked it. I agree, fleshing out the world and adding more flavor text would improve it a lot. I designed most of the game first and the story came second, and I think that shows. Next time I build a game with a story, I plan on outlining it before I begin any work.

Very cool concept, great aesthetic, and a dog you can pet!

Great game with really enjoyable writing and fantastic art. Incredible implementation of the "infinity" theme.

Thanks so much for your comment. The thing I was the most proud of was the sound implementation so reading your comment felt awesome.  And I agree with your CC, fixing the object layering was one of the things on my polish list that I never got around to. Next game jam, I plan on being more cognizant of the object layering during the scene building.

Awesome game.

The sound design was great... The mixing on the voice + the acting lead to believable voice lines that were a treat for a jam game. Difficult to pull off. I also thought the throwable light mechanic was neat, wish it gave off more light but I could see how that could hurt the aesthetic as well. Also thought having multiple environments was awesome. It was a fun change of pace going from clearing dark/close corners to headshotting from a distance.

Good work!

Art and animations are incredible! Nice game!