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I must confess that there are some things I don't like, however. It takes an agonisingly long time to get going, and hearing one or two very similar songs throughout most of it without a break was irritating, even if both of these things are done on purpose. It could have been worse, though, and I wish you luck with your future endevours.

I'm not so sure about that. It felt like a bit under an hour of reading before "HOLY SHIT!!" - but I really, really don't think that the power of those moments would have been so profound without that buildup.

It wasn't just setting cutesy, friendly expectations. It was also building up such a logical origin for the first event that you can't just laugh it off as being "Ridiculous-funny horror bullshit" like you can with say, a giant holding a twenty-bladed chainsaw.

I could maybe understand being bored if you have a slower reading speed than me though. I tend to somewhat speed-read visual novels.