First of all, thank you.
Thank you so much, Team Salvato, for making this game. I haven't felt this genuinely satisfied since I finished Shadow of the Colossus for the first time. Yes, really. I mean it. Your stupid little game about some candy-haired, anime schoolgirls and their book club tea parties turned out to be one of the most heartfelt, suspenseful and gut-wrenching gaming experiences I've had in years. There's so much I could discuss, but I feel I should keep it simple for now.
Going in, I knew by the way that everyone was praising it to high heaven without giving any details that this would be something special. Even though I've played games in a similar vein before, yours still managed to keep me guessing right up until the very end. Even when I thought I had figured out what was going on, the game always had just one more surprise up its sleeve. It made me care about a cast of characters that - at first glance - I wouldn't give two ticks about. Heck, even the minigame where you have to make a 20 word poem by picking from a random list of words ended up winning me over.
I must confess that there are some things I don't like, however. It takes an agonisingly long time to get going, and hearing one or two very similar songs throughout most of it without a break was irritating, even if both of these things are done on purpose. It could have been worse, though, and I wish you luck with your future endevours.
I'll be sure to throw you some cash your way, if I can. You earned it.