Whip is pretty cool overall.
Of the two levers that require a whip outside the temple, the second one was intuitive and felt great. It was just the right distance away, and at just the right angle--I grabbed it and pulled it with the whip in a single try.
The first switch didn't work so well for me. It was close enough that I could almost knock it around with my rolled-up whip, so I tried to do that, but it ended up sticking to the lever and didn't really pull it. I did end up whipping it with a fully extended whip, but it took probably 5-10 tries to do this at the right angle, secure it, have it stick, and then pull it before it became unstuck. Disclaimer: I have never used a whip in real life, I've only seen one used on TV.
As for the general mechanics of swinging the whip, it felt pretty cool and what I imagine a whip is like.
Half-joking tiny criticism: I'm afraid of snakes, and the whip reminded me a little bit of a snake. I'm not sure that's avoidable with a whip. Anyway, if you get other users who are afraid of snakes, maybe they can confirm, but you should probably just ignore me. It was playable; I just tried not to do the coil motion too much, 'cause it freaked me out a little.