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Very pretty, but I had some problems with the controls (key mapping) and didnt really get far because I didnt get how to proceed :D


It takes a moment to get used to the controls. If you can't get the lantern to throw in a specific way make sure you hold the arrow key slightly before you throw the lantern. You should give it another try though, and if you still have problems it would be great if you can specify where exactly you're having issues!

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Lmk how far you got and which part was confusing and ill find a way to patch it! If you can share a screenshot that would be awesome <3

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I would be glad if you changed the controls a bit tho


is there anything in particular, about the controls, that you specifically find finicky? I'd love to find a way to improve them overall.

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okay so first of all, you cant do a double jump while you hold the right or left key, which is a problem because thats how most games work and thats what most people are used to, also if you stop running the player keeps sliding a bit which makes the part with the short tiles harder, but I dont want to complain in a mean way, you guys made a great game and  I hope you win.


Hmm, as the game is right now you should be able to do a double jump while holding left or right, the platforming is predicated on you being able to do that. However, perhaps you're walking off of the platform as you do your initial jump (so it thinks youre doing a double jump), which is actually something I want to fix so that you have a few frames of leeway (games like Celeste do this). You're totally right about the sliding, I can make that a bit tighter for sure.

Thank you for the feedback! I'm glad that you think the game is great and we'd love to make it even better. I'll try to incorporate your feedback (: