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(1 edit)

I did another run and noticed that the New Video Game event did not give a card. It should give just 1 card.


It has been posted! We did it! It feels good. Thanks so much for the help MeBID! It all turned out great!

After a little time to rest and celebrate, I'm going to jump back in and work on some print and play files, but for now I can only say "wooooo"

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Nice work on everything! I hope people enjoy your game.

I'm just uploading a new digital version. I turned down the volume on those button sound effects and added in the tearing sound effect on the unfriend notification. Great call on that, it really adds an extra impact to losing a friend.

I finally figured out the issue you were having with unfriending. The code to randomly select someone assumed that Jessa was still there, so if she had already left, you'd always keep one extra if they weren't gone before then.
I've just managed to fix that, so hopefully that's the majority of the rules bug free in the digital version now.

Edit: Oh, and the token graphics for smug Mindy, sad Jessa should show when the other 3 are gone now.

Saw Kyle play the game first on stream! Thanks for the help, MeBID!

Since we are allowed to update submissions until the end of judgement, if it's okay and if you have time, here are a few things that could be added to the digital version:

- Maybe a little longer intro that could explain exactly what your goal is. There is a lot implied by the binder reveal and Mindy's photo, but explaining that there's only a week until the tournament is something that's only known if you've read the rulebook. Plus knowing that you're trying to get a high score would help new players know what they need to do. You could simply have the first paragraph of the rulebook fade in before you're given the binder along with Objective paragraph from the rulebook to show how their score is calculated

- Credits! I know it's on the game page, but we probably should give ourselves proper credit in the game as well. I should update the rulebook with that too

- Kyle went hard on buying cards and got his binder shredded lol. Maybe mention in the Store instructions during the planning phase that new cards will replace old cards in the binder

- Maybe after you complete the game, a little card gallery could unlock so people could see all the cards in the game?

- I wonder if I should make a more easily readable reference card for DSD's deck...

I added the intro text, made the instructions a bit more clear and added the card gallery.

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I added a new digital reference card in the Digital folder in the file. Also adds some lore that was in the rulebook (well, more like implied, but confirmed if you read all the endings)

Btw I was watching the vod and while I do like how Kyle got an A Rank (as it's probably the most interesting ending to get on a first run imo), I don't think he was supposed to get 128pts. He should have only had 91pts and gotten a C Rank because he (hilariously) spent all his money on cards, but the game still added the original 38 bucks to his score.

I also played again and somehow didn't lose Jessa even though I trashed my Starter card early on. Spiff was still my friend at that point so I wonder if that was part of it...

Oh and one more thing! I guess I never noticed until Kyle bought a ton of cards (I mostly used Mindy and Jessa to cycle to get what I wanted), but I intended newly-bought store cards to act differently. They're meant to go into your pocket (since "Gain a card" always means it goes into your pocket) and there's supposed to be a little empty pocket phase before moving on to the playground. Looking at the rules now, I suppose it's a little vague about that part and the FAQ example sounds a little like how it works in the digital version. But I meant that FAQ example to mean that every store-bought card must have been inside the binder before moving on... That said, I really do like the way it is in the digital version, and it makes opening the booster packs more fun, I think. So you keep it as it is, I'm going to simply redefine what it means to "buy a card" in the rulebook to be more in line with the digital version. Instead of "lose bucks to gain a card" it will be something like "lose bucks to put the top card of the deck into your binder, replacing an old card of your choosing." Hm... I guess I need to change the wording on Jessa's ability also to "Steal" instead of "Gain" and define "Stealing" somewhere...

Also, as I'm working on the physical version, I came up with cool little achievements and challenges to put in the end of the rulebook. If you're interested, you could try adding them in. Here's what I've got:

- Canon Ending: Become the Scrappet Kaiser Champion with Max Ego without losing Jessa as a friend.
- Canon Extreme: Become the Champion with Max Ego, and with Dog Bower and Lumby But Giga in your Binder.
- Keep Her Humble: Become the Champion without losing any friends.
- Legendary Griswald Incarnate: Face Carl with all four Griswald cards. (face carl means get at least 100pts)
- I Have Nothing Left To Teach You: Gain all of Dark Schippie Dues’ cards.
- This One’s For Jessa: Win a duel with your Starter card.

If you think of any other cool little challenges that could also apply to the physical game, let me know!

Anyway, if I have time the only other thing I would want to do with the digital version (outside of checking for bugs) is update the kid's art a little. Aside from Penny, I never colored their shoes because I never planned to show that part of them, so I've been thinking of doing that. This is very low priority so I might not get to it before the deadline, just letting you know

Whoops. I've uploaded a new version with some fixes.
-Bucks should be removed properly now.
-Jessa should notice the starter is gone now.
-Extra problem with Eggbert not getting 9 strength should be fixed.
-Achievements added.
The only achievement I'm not sure on is if [I Have Nothing Left To Teach You] requires the cards to all be in your binder or if it's fine to just empty Dues' deck.

It would not require all of DSD's cards. You just need to gain his entire deck. (This is because Baby Filkiss is fairly weak card that I don't expect anyone to keep since there's no extra point bonus in doing so)

I've updated Jessa's and Link's ability cards. Not a big change, just wording. Jessa's Store ability now says "Steal" and Link's now says "Buy" but they work the same as before. Not entirely necessary to update the digital version yet, as I might have time to color the kid's shoes later

Print version is almost done! I just have to create a new rulebook and make a US Letter version (which I hope won't take too long). I also plan on spending most of the day cutting out a copy so I'll post pics later. This print version is taking a lot more work than I expected

Hello! It's been a while, but I've been slowly cleaning up and adjusting the game. I've also added new cards! I'm about to upload the new rulebooks and print-and-play files. If you want to update the digital version, I added the new cards in a new folder in the link. In addition, I've adjusted some of the rules and have a few suggestions for the digital version:

- There are 5 new Event cards. Remove "Surprise Pizza Party" from the game
- 1 new Starter card
- The other cards just have clearer or adjusted wording
- 1 new achievement:
          Platinum Crown: Become the Champion with each of the 6 Starter cards.
                    Basically a player must play the game at least 6 times to get this. To make this easier, I suggesting being able to unlock the ability to choose the Starter card after completing the game once.

I suggest you refer to the rulebook for new clarifications on the cards and extra FAQs, but here are the major changes at least:

- The Store works a little differently. Bought or stolen cards are placed into the Binder after each kid action. So if Mindy (3 bucks), Jessa, and Link (4 bucks) are at the Store, instead of being able to grab all 5 cards and then placing them in the Binder all at the same time, the player decides which kid will buy or steal first, with Mindy able to spend ego to peek in between any of those actions.
- This also means that the "age" of cards, or whatever is the oldest card(s), will reset for each action.
- Side note, but I did a single run of the digital version and got the BOGO event. The Bogo event is meant to happen immediately before anything else. So you get a bunch of cards in your binder, and then when you get to buy cards again you might have to replace those cards. The new wording should make that a little more clear.
- If Mindy and Jessa go to the Playground, Jessa will be able to gain a card for free, correct? Well Jessa can also bring resources for trade and can also trade for a card, allowing her to gain 2 cards at the Playground (if Mindy is present).

Alright, I'll go post up those files now. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. And it's fine to take your time on the update, or if you're too busy to work on it anytime soon, that's fine too.

Thanks again for your help!