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The take apart sections were cool. I was impressed with the found a radio signal part. Did you guys use like a render texture for the wave or just like modify a mesh to generate the wave. I am just curious. Also the title screen is a nice effect. I like that you see the plane crash when you hit start. My down side to this is it feels a little too guided for my taste. I don't really know how you could change it to be honest, but it feels like there isn't enough freedom for the player. Maybe turn the sections into puzzles like Alex suggested. Just needs something that isn't follow this exact step every time to get to the next section. I think the find the wave mini game scratched the surface of that, but wasn't quite there. That said, I enjoyed playing your game and seeing what you created. Thank you!


I definitely agree that its a little too linear. Honestly we spent most of the time making the disassembly mini-game and the radio tuning mini-game and didn't have as much time as we would have wanted to make the connections feel more natural. I think if we made it again we would try and prioritize making the "inbetween" sections a little bit more interesting. We definitely overscoped the game for what we could do in a week haha. The sine wave on the radio was just a line renderer with 50ish points and we wrote a script to generate a sin wave, get coordinates of points on the wave, and then apply the points to the line renderer. 

Thank you for the feedback, we really appreciate you playing our game!


OHHH, I have never used the line renderer before. Honestly, I didn't really know it existed. That makes a lot of sense though. I also over-scoped my game so I know the feeling.