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(1 edit)

Hi, could you look in <username>\AppData\Roaming\ThrustMe for a logfile called logging.txt and paste it in here. It might give a clue to why the game closes down on you.

There's no direct cheat to skip levels, but you can kill the astronauts to clear the level faster ;-)

Here you go. A skip-level cheat would be cool, but just being able to load a previous save would be more than good enough.

Screen dimensions : 1920x1080
Cores available: 8
Texturesize: 16384
Java location: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_281
MusicManager: Added music intro
MusicManager: Added music game1
MusicManager: Added music game2
MusicManager: Added music game3
MusicManager: Added music game4
MusicManager: Added music game5
MusicManager: Added music game6
MusicManager: Added music enterLevel
MusicManager: Start play fade in intro
MusicManager: Start play fade in game3
java.lang.RuntimeException: Height has not been set. Unable to call drawY methods
        at dk.npp.gfx.libgdx.UISpriteBatch.checkHeight(
        at dk.npp.gfx.libgdx.UISpriteBatch.drawY(
        at dk.npp.thrustme.core.ThrustMeMain.drawBackTiles(
        at dk.npp.thrustme.core.ThrustMeMain.doRenderGame(
        at dk.npp.thrustme.core.ThrustMeMain.onRender(
        at dk.npp.gfx.libgdx.LibGdxGame.render(
        at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication.mainLoop(
        at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication$
Game closed

Thank you for the logfile. I will look into the issue and see if I can get it resolved.

Let me see if anything can be done regarding the level skip. I cant promise anything though :)

I know this is a long shot, but two years later I reinstalled your game out of nostalgia and it crashes the exact same way as described above. If I close, reopen, and Continue a game, I cannot go very far down into any cave before the game crashes.

I'm on Windows 11 now, BTW.