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Great work on the tileset and pixel art! Very unique look, I especially liked some of the trippier aspects like the fragmenting maps and character faces.

The music complimented the melancholy vibe perfectly, and the story helped carry it.

The puzzles were relatively easy but entertaining, more vehicles for the story than engaging challenges but that worked well. I liked the clock time travel mechanic. 

One small thing I'll mention: the door opening SE was quite loud compared to the rest of the sounds. I was digging the ambient track in the bedroom then the door opened and almost clunked me off my seat :)

And not that it effected anything, but I noticed the 3 block set you get stays in your inventory after use.

A creative entry, nice job!


Thanks so much for the compliment about the art and music!  Also, thanks for telling me about the SE, I'll be sure to turn it down in the future. About the blocks though, did you grab all six of them because you only need three?  


Sure thing, thanks for the game! yeah I grabbed all six, and after using the 3-stack my inventory still showed 6.


Okay!  I'll be sure to take note of that!  Thanks!