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This game idea had potential. But the level design kind of ruined it for me. Its just the game platformers over and over. If the level design was better, I would have enjoyed this more. But the visual and the music are wonderful.

Now, I played this game with my pal Sandii. This is what she had to say.

Honestly, the color palette and the bird design are very nice! The game play, not so much. Spamming the spacebar is a lot more of an effort than in other Flappy-Bird-esc games I've played. Theres a glitch where at the end if you spam spacebar a LOT, you can see the cloud background of Unity. I see how this follows the idea of "Courageous", but I don't really think its as dramatic as i'd like it to be.

Hello ThatMegalosaurus,

thank you for your comments, I agree on the level design feed feedback!