Thank you for your kind reply.
The answer to 1 is to get rid of the Silence Keeper entirely, it being the weakest player role in the game. This can be done simply distributing Poisoned words among players : say / don't say.
Regarding components, it sure would be cool to be able to play Hush in a car or around a campfire, but there needs to be a warrant that Poisoned words are not declared on the fly, and that means written words. (limit case : picking a pebble and a twig make all related wood and rock words poisoned - why not ?) As soon as you ask for paper and pen, you're in another configuration. There is a possible development for the game in print and play with ready made cards implying a setting and situation. If one objective is to limit components, people can count bars and crosses or draw a hangman.
Regarding "community" it's nothing decisive but yes, "contribution", "participation", "hope" or anything like that would make it clearer for me.
I don't want to deviate your game release thread more than that. The are probable better places to discuss, like forums or something, and that's if you want to.