I noticed quite a few oversights. If you fly into the spaceships flying at the side, they bounce you way ahead of the space station you need to land on. It's also pretty easy to miss the space station. The game over screen text also extends past the screen. Also, once you miss the space station and fly into the void, there is no in came reset button, so I have to manually refresh the browser page.
Also, with the benifit of hindsight, maybe reset at the start of the level would have worked better.
Becides from that, it's okay. I didn't had that much problem from the controls, even though it it a littl e hard to dodge. The ontrols as it is can work if the levels are buult around it.As it is, the inability to turn easy makes it hard to make hard turns in order to avoid the astorids.
The music and art is nice.
Yeah, that's all I have to say at the moment. I apreaciate the effort. May you learn from this experice.