thanks! Its actually a 3d plugin for rpgmaker mz. Been wanting to try it for awhile
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I love the base mechanics! Has a lot of potential! I like how I can harvest the plants and put them wherever I want. Could make a really good farming game! The grapphics are top notch, the music is soothing, and I like the plot hook! The only cratiqe I really have is that I recommenced a more in depth control explanation on the page. Like how to switch between the items and what does right clicking do for each item. Other then that, good job you two!
This is a really cool project! I love the art and personalities. Simple but stylish! I especially love that transition animation!
My only real cratiqe is that I'm not sure how the power ups work. It seems I can shoot multiple attacks at once if I use the same character repeatably... but doesn't that discourage switching characters? I also am not sure what is the difference between the witch and wizard other then the witch having a longer wind up time and slightly bigger shots.
with how small the enemies are, it was also really hard to time shots until the enemies are right at the tower. Kinda wish at least one of the character had slight homing shots. And that the tower's health bar was bigger to give me time to adjust my strategy.
Anyways, you all did amazing!
Yeah! I like the banter between hanaja, victoria and the other people sharing their body! It's like having a adventuring party in one body! And swapping out bodies like pokemon to better deal with weaknesses and such! Makes me wants to see a plot that takes advantage of that more. and have the small group of characters develop and react to the story as it progresses!
btw, Favorite character from this game so far is the dragon princess!
Hello! I found this by happenstance! I really enjoy it so far! I got the heroine gets banished ending and neutral ending so far.
A part of me hope that the team considers making a extension of this game, a "second year" of sorts, after the jam is over, with the creator's permission, cause I really do wanna see what you guys can cook up with the time and the creative freedom to write your own story! I would love to see what happens after the endings! The addition of more music would help too (because i don't recall hearing very much on my playthrough)! I can see a lot of potential in this premise!
Anyways, I wish your team, and the original creator of this VN the best of luck!
P.S, I love the art! The artists did a great job!
P.P.S. OMG Clarence! I totally wanna see that play out in a extension.
So I just played the first hanaja's body and i just started playing this game. I gotta say, I reaally like the new system for this game. Mish mashing body parts in the last game was fun and all, but fusing bodies is a lot more streamlined and easier to manage. I'm at the fairy chapter right now and this is really fun!
If you were to make a sequel, my suggestion is to take this new body merging system and expand on it. I say it be cool to take the hub world and expand it into a explorable world to interact with whenever the proteg is not doing chapter dungeons. and just play around with interacting with npc with the various body combinations. It might also be a good way to get some down time and allow the characters more chances to interact with each other, the world, explore their new bodies and explore character development. That is... if you want to focus more on character exploration. anyways, keep up the good work!
I like how this is both a sequel and spiritual successor to Lasagna Boy Classic. It's more of a spiritual successor for it's stand alone nature, and a sequel in that this could technically take place after Lasagna Boy Classic no problem. I can totally see John toughened up after his first adventure.
Oh man, this game reminds me of Math Monsters, a VHS series from the early 2000s that I somehow got to watch a few of back in the day. I still remember that catchy theme song and the uncanny valley of somewhat detailed models just standing there and repeating the same gelatin animation over and over again as they spoke.
I enjoyed this game! I appreciate how fast and fluid the controls and combat are. It makes getting to where I last left off after dying quick and painless. Though I would note that first section could use one are two check points. It's a pretty big section and could easily be broken up into 3 sections. That said, after breaking the 4 seals to get to the cat, the checkpoints became consistent, so I appreciate that. I like the story and how there are alternate ways to beating the final boss. Makes me wish some of the normal enemies has multiple ways to defeat them too. It also would be nice if there is more then one way to attack other then the basic combo. Making the slide a full attack instead of attacking at the end of the slide would help a lot for example. Still, this move set is more then satisfactory for a game of this scale.
I like what's here and makes me think you can totally make a full platformer game. I would love to play that. Though after a quick glance at your game library, it looks like you already built a universe of games with these characters.
So with that said, I would like to make a suggestion. I noticed your games so far has been browser exclusive. I would like a option to download a offline version of your game to play whenever I don't have wifi at a given moment. To add to that, perhaps you can further justify a offline version by making a collection of all your shared universe games up to this point and perhaps post if on multiple sites including and gamejolt. Assuming that's something that you want to go far. I'd be more then satisfied with some offline version and maybe a collection with some touch ups here and there. Just some food for thought.
Back to this game, there are some things I want to note. I find that there is little insensitive to fight the enemies besides from maybe getting some health. And even then, I find myself not getting enough health pickups to make up the damage I get from fighting enemies. Another way of regaining health quick, like maybe some large health capsules throughout the level would go a long way to give me more insensitive to fight the enemies. When I died towards the end of that first large section, I ended up rushing through the level and getting away with ignoring the enemies. Not gonna lie, if it wasn't for there not being much benefit to fighting the enemies, I would totally hang back and fight the enmies because the combat is legit fun! I I also want to note that the bosses, aside from that one big and powerful enemy that crawls on the ground and the final boss, can easily be brute forced. When fighting felicity for example, I ended up standing in one place for a bit and wailing on her with no consequences. I was expecting some kind of obstacle to avoid brute forcing, such as getting pushed back or staggered for example. I kinda wish there was a hard mode or something similar to allow me to put more thought into my tactics. Overall, I love the controls and combat and I wish there was more chances for me to utilize it's potential! I could totally see these platforming controls and combat being great for speedruning and more combat focused platforming like something akin to a matroidvania, a megaman zero type of game or a river city girls type of game!
And that's it so far. I haven't broken the final boss's bell or got all the evidence yet, so maybe I'll leave a follow up comment if I go back and do that. I also plan on checking out your older games. Anyways, good job, keep following your passion and keep improving!
I enjoyed this game! I loved the stye and story. This feel like the start of a full length game. I would love to see this fleshed out or continued. I want to learn more of this world and characters! I also want to see the girl's magical powers in action. Did she get the water element or something? Honestly, I'm surprised she didn't try to befriend the final boss. Maybe that could be a option for her in the future.
I'll give my full thoughts once I finish the snes challenge. For now, I'll just report some bugs:
Big # 1:
This is probably the most major bug in the whole game. If you return to the school after beating the turtle, it would respond you back inside the school. And since you already beat the turtle, you are pretty much stuck in there with no way out. A simple fix to this is change the transfer event location to the front of the school.
Bug # 2:
You can walk into the void at the swimming pool. Unless you plan on hiding a Easter egg in the darkness, this was probably not intended. I simple fix to this is to either set up some invisible walls, or change the tile priority from O to X on the tilesets tab on the database.
And that's it! Overall, good game! The battle system is well balanced and it feels pretty full for a month's worth of dev time. My only cratiqe would be that I want more content despite it being a complete package. That's a sign of a good game!
Thanks for the feedback! To be honest, the score system and the item collecting is a last minute edition as a extra measure to fit the limitation. The score doesn't really matter and collecting props are just beeps and boops. The real focus of the game is the be a walking simulator and a interactive art and music gallery. The goal was to invoke nostalgic warmth.
I plan on uploading a post jam update in a few days to fix some bugs, include stuff I didn't have time to include and give the prop collecting more meaning.
First off, I really love the art style. It reminds me of yume nikki! I especially love how cute the jumping animation is! I also like the map design and controls. Sadly, I didn't get far due to the balancing in this game. I loose health too quickly before I can collect the materials needed to really craft anything. Opening up the craft menu doesn't really pause the game so I don't even have time to examine the menu. Perhaps adding in some permanent safe spots such as entering shelter like your igloo could help give time for the player to get their bearing and plan out their route.
Also, despite reading the instructions on the game page, I don't really know how to use the crafting menu. Do I click on the item I want to make? How do I get enough score before I freeze? Perhaps a more in depth tutorial either on the game page or in game could help a lot.
I hope this game can get a balance update later. I really do want to revisit this game someday and see all it can offer. I wish everyone involved the best and to keep on improving!
This was a nice little game. It has rough patches here and there, but that's to be expected. I really like the basis you got here and I really want to see what you do with this. Not sure if you plan to do a post jam update but I would love to see what you planed for this.
Things of note is that I found myself lost a few times, lengthening my playtime to 30 minutes. Not necessarily the game's fault. I'm just more of a explorative player who tends to go off the off beaten path. Even though the fire is clearly nearby the path. There were some off shoots I didn't see at first even though I was following the path. Led to some facepalm moments. Perhaps a lot of the empty space could be filled out with things to do and see.
I will say this. If you plan on updating this, then I would like to see the warmth collecting system to be given more meaning. Like, instead of collecting flames, why not talk to the towns folk, witness some wholesome moments, and collect spiritual warmth that way. Maybe after watching the townsfolk show kindness to each other, see a beautiful nature scene, ect, spiritual flame would appear next to them for you to collect.
On a similar note, if collecting warmth is that easy, why hasn't anyone done it before? Is the main character secretly a flame spirit or spring spirit who can collect warmth? That would explain why they suddenly appear is a supposedly isolated town.
Anyways, this game shows promise, and I would love to see what you do next with the game engine.
P.S. Just Me and my Half Tree
I like it! I really like the style it went for! It was just oozing with creativity! I guess the only grip I have with it is there there is not enough indicator as to what items are flammable. It took me awhile I needed to burn that one painting, out of all the other paintings that cannot be burned. Objects like those could really use some burning animations to know what can be burned or not. The chains holding up the crates could also use a indicator that they can be burned and what specific location they can be burned. I found out I can break the chains by accident because 1) the chains are nearly invisible even with light and 2) the hitboxes are very picky and it took me awhile to find the specific spot I can break the chains.
In conclusion, the game really need some additional visual flare and it would be perfect! It was a very fun and inspiring experience!
Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, the main focus of the game is the music and visuals. I wanted to invoke a warm reminiscence by listening to nostalgic music and seeing nostalgic visuals. Other then that, there is no story and the gameplay is a glorified walking simulator.
I plan on uploading a post jam update at the end of the week to include all the stuff I didn't have time to add as well as fixing some rough patches here and there. That includes making the gameplay more clear.
I love the art and the music! However, I could have really used a controls tutorial in-game. I spent a minute pressing random keys on the keyboard. That said, It didn't take me too long to figure out how it all works, but I'm not sure other players will figure it out as quickly. tbh, I'm not sure I do have it all figured out.
Sometimes, the character wouldn't respond to my mouse's position even though I'm facing away from the surface. I could really use a visual indicator as to whether the position I choose will get me off the surface. Especially when I have to time my jumps and it ends up not working.
Also, level 2 could really use a checkpoint halfway through since retracing the first half became repetitive after awhile.
Luckily, I found a trick that helped me get back to the spot I died. So, when I'm stuck to a surface, if I slingshot myself alongside the wall, the physics will let me slide along it a great distance. However, this method is hard to position correctly to get it to work, to the point where I wonder if this was a glitch. However, some parts of the level design makes me think it was intended. Again, this in particular makes me wish there is a in game controls tutorial and a indicator is a position will work.
Also, is there a pause menu? I had to go to the taskbar to close the game.
I probably missed some things that renders some of my points mute. For example, I probably missed a read-me file that explains the controls. Also, maybe I'm missing something that's preventing some of my jumps from responding? All that aside, I had a fun time. It was a nice and cute experience. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the input! I did consider adding in a light puzzle before you leave the room. It's something I did with another game of mine. "I Want An Annventure!
The reason why I didn't go that far is simply becuase of time. I started 18 hours before the deadline and got as far as I did with 8 hours left. Those 10 hours was spent doing a all nighter that extended to noon time. So I was very sleep deprived by the time I summited the game.
One of my sleep deprived thoughts at the time was that if I added a puzzle where you move around object, I would have to spend extra hours animated those objects, similar to the puzzle I did in I Want An Annventure, and I was on the verge of dozing off and wasn't sure I'll be able to implement such puzzle before the deadline. THough in hindsight, I probably didn't really need to make new graphics. I could just add text boxes that say "You Found a key!" or "You moved this thing!" and just add some extra steps before you open the door. And through collecting and moving object around, I could add a little more information on the main character. But even if I add a munch of text boxes, there's a chance I might have ran out of time anyways for being slow and thourogh, or just dozing off. BUt yeah, If I were to update this game, I would probably add some extra things to do and see.
Just like the first game you made, this is a charming game with a very relatable message. Once again, I too, had to give up some things I cared about to meet a quata, only to realize later that I didn't really need to do it. It's easy to get caught up in the hype, be it to buy something, or to please someone else. Tech wise, this is a step up from your previous game. I like how you added a adventure game element and some 3d animation! And I love the banter between your characters. Your pretty good with character interactions. I also felt something in the second half, where she is force to give up things she would regret giving up later. And feeling that crunch to find items to fit the quota reminds me of me trying to raise money for something, or my parents making me clean my room, and being desperate enough to give up anything, even the valuable stuff. Boy, do this game give me flashbacks. In a good way too. And the message is very meaningful, and something not everyone talks about or realize. So it's good that your are spreading the massage that it's okay to not live up to expectations, be it other people's expectations, or your own.
Overall, I big step up from your first game. Thank you for sharing!
This is such a pleasant game! the music and graphics are very relaxing, and the story is simple, but also spoken from the heart. I forgot how easy it is to just speak from experience. I too had to go out and buy some things while my parents was out too. This reminded me that I don't need to overthink everything when writing. So thank you for the lesson!