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So, I have played it for a few hours and no, it's definitely not for me. I gave it a few hours to see if it would grow on me but I really do not like the M.C. He really is not a very nice person at all. He pretends to be, but all he cares about is having sex with as many women as possible. The way he treats Vera and Senning is horrible. The very bad grammar and spelling mistakes I could get used to if the M.C wasn't so bad and the story didn't drag on so much. Also, the map is pointless. No offence, but most of the time things are greyed out, and, when you do finally get a highlight, a lot of the time it's the same repeated dialogue. And the money? What is the point of having it if you can't spend it?  The M.C is a pervert and has also raped. Perverseness I can deal with, rape I cannot. Very little story and a LOT of repeated plotlines make it drag on a lot for me. So, I am afraid I am going to have to delete it. But a nice try.

Boi, i can tell. You haven't played the full game. The money? You'll get the point of why it's there after the prologue. Also only vera and senning? Have you seen the other girls? Bruhhhh you clearly defied the quote "don't judge a book by it's cover"

Yes, of course I have seen Theo, Irene, Elisa, Uno and Rachel. Are there any more? Maybe, but I couldn't go any further to find out.


I also found money piling up.  There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of purpose for it.