Another fun Diablo-inspired hack-n-slash by ELV! This game gets a lot of things right, such as the straightforward level design, simple story, and action-packed gameplay. The visceral critical hits, complete with voice clips, give them the much-needed impact they deserve. The destructible objects in the levels were also a nice touch that leads into a yet-to-be-implemented crafting system.
There are some odd design choices that were no doubt also results of the Diablo heritage and some issues with the writing that hold the game back from reaching its full potential. For example, this is a melee character with only 2 directions to face, so why make the character turn in the direction of the mouse cursor? It adds an extra step that feels janky. Also, equipping helmets and armors with the right click was easy enough, but trying to get the right sword in the desired hand was always a touchy experience that took some trial-and-error to get right (and sometimes resulted in me accidentally dropping or selling a sword). I think some of the inputs could be consolidated and some interactions could be changed, such as using the same key to attack and interact with characters (make it context-aware), and use attacks to free captive allies from cages instead of pressing the "talk" key. The fewer buttons the player has to remember, the better.
As for the writing, I may not expect much depth from a game like this, but there were so many typos and grammar errors that it bothered me throughout my playthrough. It was never so bad that I couldn't understand what was going on, but present enough to be constantly annoying.
There also seems to be a bug with the talking mechanic: if I leave the castle while a character is talking, I can't attack on the next battlefield.
Overall, this game is a fun experience; it just has a few things to polish before it truly shines.