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the music sounded interesting, but the UI is all goofed up. my guess is you didnt test the UI with different screen sizes, so on your screen its working perfectly, but on another screen (higher/lower res, different aspect, etc) the UI is aligning incorrectly. the fix would just be a matter of changing the alignment settings and positions of UI elements in the editor and using the game view in different resolutions and aspects to make sure it will always work.

its a shame that alot of people couldnt play it, including me, however im willing  to bet this could be an interesting word-puzzle game once its working as intended.

Yes you are absolutely correct and it was my mistake to not notice it sooner. My plan was to quickly setup a web build with the desired resolution but unfortunately that backfired and I completely forgot to check different aspect ratios after that. Thank you for letting me know, I will post a fix when I can.

Implemented a fix, hopefully it's better now. Again, thanks for letting me know as I might not have ever realized.