Hi, thanks for the feedback!.
As title says is a demo and mostly looking for physics/controls feedbacks first, that at the end is what makes a driving game good or bad.
Multiplayer, car customizations... is in a very far development phase right now and in case the project continues, so will see.
"Breaking Force is too strong, not very realistic. "
> Be in mind this is an Arcade game, like Sega Rally, Daytona Usa,etc... so no looking for a realistic driving.
> In 0.0.1 the braking was more soft and people complained about it, this version brakes a bit more fast and i think is good, also you can always set less presure on brakes.
> Btw, always is possible add some option to configure how soft/hard the brakes you want before a race to configure as your/track needs.
About 4K textures , what are you worried? You can use in personal/commercial projects, no atribition needed. You can't resell obviously.