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Hi I'm Elisée

I'm 26 and I live in Strasbourg, France. Almost 20 years ago I made my first games in QBasic on Windows 95 after borrowing a programming book with funny monsters in it. I guess stealing is the correct word, since I forgot to return it... oops. Long story short, I was hooked and I've been game-programming ever since.


Fast-forward four years ago, I ended up unemployed and, inspired by Minecraft's approachable blockiness, I decided to go full-time indie and started building a blocky online collaborative game maker named CraftStudio. The idea: let people make games together all in one (virtual) place!

It was a scary big complex project, but lots of nice people were kind enough to support my work, and it turned into something pretty cool. I met great folks and we did jams and games together and it was good.

Teaming up

After almost three years of fighting this adventure of a project, I was getting pretty frustrated with working alone and CraftStudio had become a big thing that I wish I could improve but it was limited by its original design. So after a lot of "what if" and "hey maybe" and quite a few "no wait that's crazy", I asked friends to join me and maybe let's start from scratch and make a new super awesome game maker together?! And that's how Bilou and Pixel-boy ended up moving in from the other side of the country and how we got started on Superpowers. Crazy.

Suddenly, Superpowers

So we made big plans and got to work, building on 3 years of experience making and using CraftStudio.

In December 2014, after like 4 months of work, we used a rudimentary version of Superpowers to build Hunt the Yeti. In March 2015, we launched a crowdfunding campaign and we've been surviving on that. (Thank you so so much to everyone who will read this and contributed in one way or another, through donations or otherwise. You rock ♥)

We're now very close to making our initial vision come to life: open sourcing Superpowers so that everyone can use it and contribute to it directly. Our dream of building a free extensible platform for making development tools and collaborating on games or other creative stuff is almost there!! I hope all kinds of indie developers will use it and build on it and contribute improvements to it :).

If you're already onboard or interested or even a little bit intrigued, please share your stories, projects, ideas and questions in this thread!