Ok, here's my review. I've tried to avoid spoilers.
I chose Narritive
I chose 60 steps between encounters
Because I like a good story, and not so much battles and stuff.
Enemy names are awesomely funny! Battle backs pretty cool, however I feel I should have chosen a higher number of steps between battles, because I'm starting to get annoyed at the battles, which is never good. Though the sheilding was a clever battle mechanic. Take my battle review with a pinch of salt, Ii'm not a battle srt of a person, I tend to coast through the story, escaping as many battles as I can following the plot and then grinding like mad at the end when I realise the final boss is was more powerful than I am!
I felt the puzzles were very awkward. I spent ages trying to figure it out, to the point where I was wandering about both the current and the growths just sort of hoping for the best.
I haven't progessed further than the growths yet. I've saved and stopped, and will play more tomorrow and continue.
Now for the fun stuff, I loved your characters and the dialogue was, as always with the games you guys make, clever and very witty. Overall the story feels pretty light and easy to follow, I'm not feeling bogged down in angst or drama, and everything sort of flows naturally between the characters.
The mapping, again as always, is amazing, and I am so jealous!
So far the game is good, and I'm enjoying it, and I want to reach the end so badly, but clocking in right now at 1 hr 38 mins it almost feels too long, and I simply can't continue it tonight, but I will offer a second review when I continue.