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Paladin-Cleric of Awesome

A member registered Oct 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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I created a game a long time ago, would i be able to basically do a remake of the game (I made it in VXAce, and heaven only knows where it is now on any of my many harddrives) given I can't really remember details would it count as a possible game submission for this challenge, if i joined?

See, this is why I like it when people comment. I think your idea of pockets is a great one, so you would have to discard cards to get new bigger numbered cards. That might be something a a longer than one page game could have, I'll have to consider this. lol. I'll see what I can do to change the way it's written to make it obvious.

thank you again!

if you open the door to take the card at the top of the pack, if it’s a face card you follow the face card rules, if it’s just a number card you take it. If you don’t open a door you discard the top card without looking at it. 

The goal is to have as many cards (treasure/stuff) as possible by the end of the 10 minutes 

sorry for the terrible screenshooting I’m doing this from my phone!

thank you for trying the game, I’ll see if maybe there’s a clearer way to explain that part of the game. So thank you so much for your feedback!

You make a  fair point. it was meant as like an appraiser skill only, for like various materials or cargo, but I suppose Evaluation might be a better term for it.

thank you for your comment!

thank you. Like I said I think I’m missing explaining things because I know how it’s supposed to work.

I could change attack of opportunity to you gain the opportunity to retaliate/parry and define it a bit more. 

And I’ll maybe do a eg for skills/spells as well to better illustrate that. 

Thank you so much for looking and getting back to me. 

neevr mind. I am an idiot, its on the first page. I kept looking for a submit button on the submission page. sigh. lol

the title is my question. I feel very stupid but I cannt figure out how to upload another game.

is it only for physical transformations (eg like beast becoming human again in beauty and the beast) or like evil character turns good transformation?

becuase I lean more towards a non physical transformation type, but I’m not sure if that’s what this jam is about. So I thought I’d ask.

it looks like an awesome game, I wil certainly be playing it! 

hi! I’m doing this jam too so it was really interesting to see how you did it using cards! However I was reading through and you don’t give a threshold for failure. Eg, if I pull a number 2 card do I fail or a 5card? How will I know when to add a failure or a success or even a no point?

Other than that confusion I think your concept is awesome and I will be trying to find my deck of cards to give it a go!

hi! I’m doing this jam too so it was really interesting to see how you did it using cards! However I was reading through and you don’t give a threshold for failure. Eg, if I pull a number 2 card do I fail or a 5card? How will I know when to add a failure or a success or even a no point?

Other than that confusion I think your concept is awesome and I will be trying to find my deck of cards to give it a go!

I’ve been stalled on the video game for so long, and I was messing with some friends who want to play D&D but are scared of all the rules and stuff. So I tried to pare it down, and the only characters I could think of to use were these three.

I’ve missed them so much! Lol

please let me know how you get on. I’m hoping to sort out any bugs and stuff as soon as. 

just one other person. Though more is more fun.  Thank you for downloading it and I hope it plays well for you. 

(1 edit)

how do I share it?  I’ve just copied and pasted the page here. lol.   Which game is yours and I’ll check it out too!


I have an entire 4 part story mapped out, sort of RPG meets visual novel, and although I will be trying to draw for this I’m not very good. I’m also hoping for someone whose willing to go through dialogue with me etc.  so if anyone would like to be part of the jam, but maybe doesn’t have an idea for it, I’d love the help.  

Im not sure what details to leave, so I’ll give a brief overview, though I do have a detailed idea in my head, including specific scenes.

Ghost Hunt

the player controls Minako, a family orientated basketball playing 15 year old.

Minako is being followed by a Bad Luck Spirit, which inadvertently introduces her to Aster, a trainee Milo under her priest grandfather, and through a series of Ghost Cases ( 4 in total), their relationship grows through the players choices as Minako from strangers to friends, until a Confession in Case 4

Depending on the choices made Romance scenes can be unlocked (nothing more than Pg, their only 15), and sometimes the Confession can happen at the end of Case 3. 

While the story remains liner, the player can access different dialogue and scenes depending on Friendship Points, and later Romance Points. 

if anyone might be interest please message me here and we can maybe discuss how we could talk about the game (I do not have discord)

I intend to make the game using rpgmaker MV

thanks, I've submitted it! 

I recently finished a downloadable card game, and was so dang proud of myself. Would it could as part of the decade jam?

Just wanted to check before I submitted anything.

So yesterday I was messing around in Gimp and made a title screen for a game , and while I was making it I was imagining how I would tell the story, and ended up with the idea of a cute teen Lesbian relationship  that develops through school club activities. I just wanted to know if it was ok for me to use the title screen I made, even though I made it before I ever saw this game jam.

It feels sort of that It fits quite well without me even meaning for it to.

can you use rpgmaker? just before I make up my mind as to entering.

excellent. sorry. I havent had a look in all the conversation things yet or I would have already seen that. lol. I am so looking forward to this!

Feeling a tad bummed that I won't be able to properly start on this until tomorrow morning. It begins at 11pm for me, so given I'm just after a hard days work I know I'm gonna be sleepy barely an hour after starting. lol. Ah well, I'll just have to work extra hard tomorrow and sunday and hope for the best! I've been going through a whole load of art I've done ages ago and have decided some of them will work find for illustrations. I hope that's alright, the actual writing will be started after the event begins, but as a one person team I hope no one minds if I used old art I've done (or previously commissioned for other reasons) as the main artwork for my tabletop game (who knows, sometime in the future an artist might like it so much they'll offer to do new art for me. lol)

I’ve never done this before (for a tabletop idea) but I’ve been contemplating one for a long time. Does the game have to follow the theme or can I jump right in with my idea when the event starts?

Thank for your review, I will be taking all your comments to the new build when I get to it.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, and don't worry, I'm currently trying to figure out the database better!

Thank you!

I'm glad you liked it, the morality thing is something I intend to continue with the player as the game goes on.

There is a lot I would change, but I hate to say it, by the time I reached the end of of the time I don't think I was able to see the issues anymore even with multiple playtesters.

I will of course take your comment into account when I go back and fix it. And I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Ok, here we go.

1. Story looked interesting, once we did the backflash bit. I don;t quite understand Evlyn and Ooria's relationship, but I'm sure that would make more sense if I'd been able to beat the final creature on level 10. but worth looking more into.

2. Too many battles. I'm not one for battles in games anyway, I like to be able to breeze my way through enemies to get to the story, if I want to play a battle game I play dynasty warriors, where the whole thing just is fighting. I tend to skip past as many battles as possible. It's just how I play, other players will probably enjoy the challenge and battles.

3. While helpful, the constant tutorial screens becam rather bothersome after a while, I skipped through most of them because I wanted to get on with the game.

4. Having Oria become different weapons was really cool, and I liked the Attuning concept and overall the battles seems well balanced (but again, I don't like battles so they all felt a bit hard to me, and I didn't like that suddenly enemies were resistant to my skills and attacks) Also, sometimes the skills would all show up as ??? when I had them all added, and then the next time I clicked they'd all be there in the space of the same battle, very odd.

Generally the game seemed solid. There was no reason I could see for the timer. All that did was make me feel pressured and uncomfortable, and I didn't really explore as much as I could have. Not exactly my cup of tea game wise, but a solid effort none the less and I'm sure many other payers will enjoy it!

Thank you for your review.

I'm sorry you found so many bugs, I had thought I had fixed all the bugs, after you have the extra character you leave the keep and the maps are fairly liner from there to the Kkings castle.  Sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped everyone would. My playtesters were able to get through everything with little issue by the time I  posted, so I had thought I had everything fixed.

I'll take your comments on board when I go back to the game to fix it up!

Ok, here comes the review.

1. If this game doesn't win one of the prizes and get picked to be worked on by the big folks in charge I may actually cry. I honestly thought it was that good.

2. Usually the tilsets and character art  i this style makes me cringe, it's normally too dark and I can't get into any game with it, but You've made it amazing and I have to say, the light and airy way you've used the tilesets was actually very good for putting me at ease. and because of that I could properly get into the story.

3. Which brings me to the story, which was excellent, the flashbacks didn't give too much away, while building the story further and making me more and mre interested in what was going on and why. Good subversion on the King, I was expecting a young, vibrant king and was shocked with what I found! All the characters were well rounded and interesting, and their speeches were very good and I liked all of them (also, HOW COULD YOU GIVE ME FALSE HOPE LIKE THAT! I THOUGHT I HAD A CHANCE AND THEN YOU STOLE IT AWAY!!!!! *SOB*).

4. The King should not be calling the main character Sir. It should also be Sir Galathan or the Galathan. That was quite jarring during any conversations with the King, it got better towards the end, the last few conversatins had him refered to Sir Galathan, not Sir, which was excellent.

5. Levels were short and easy to navigate, and I never felt overwhelmed or annoyed to be travelling through places.

6. Battles were good, I chose the easy setting as I don't play games for the battle, but the story, so it was nice to have the option not to be stuck in hard battles. However I would like to mention that the area with the trolls (where they first show up) the random encounters suddenly increaesed massively, which I found very irritating, but that was the only part where battles annoyed me.

7. I'm not 100% sure where you can go with the story after the ending, but I'll sign up to play more, happily and completely!

Overall I have to stand by my first point, if it doesn't win I don't know what's wrong with people!

Ok, here comes the review.

1. If this game doesn't win one of the prizes and get picked to be worked on by the big folks in charge I may actually cry. I honestly thought it was that good.

2. Usually the tilsets and character art  i this style makes me cringe, it's normally too dark and I can't get into any game with it, but You've made it amazing and I have to say, the light and airy way you've used the tilesets was actually very good for putting me at ease. and because of that I could properly get into the story.

3. Which brings me to the story, which was excellent, the flashbacks didn't give too much away, while building the story further and making me more and mre interested in what was going on and why. Good subversion on the King, I was expecting a young, vibrant king and was shocked with what I found! All the characters were well rounded and interesting, and their speeches were very good and I liked all of them (also, HOW COULD YOU GIVE ME FALSE HOPE LIKE THAT! I THOUGHT I HAD A CHANCE AND THEN YOU STOLE IT AWAY!!!!! *SOB*).

4. The King should not be calling the main character Sir. It should also be Sir Galathan or the Galathan. That was quite jarring during any conversations with the King, it got better towards the end, the last few conversatins had him refered to Sir Galathan, not Sir, which was excellent.

5. Levels were short and easy to navigate, and I never felt overwhelmed or annoyed to be travelling through places.

6. Battles were good, I chose the easy setting as I don't play games for the battle, but the story, so it was nice to have the option not to be stuck in hard battles. However I would like to mention that the area with the trolls (where they first show up) the random encounters suddenly increaesed massively, which I found very irritating, but that was the only part where battles annoyed me.

7. I'm not 100% sure where you can go with the story after the ending, but I'll sign up to play more, happily and completely!

Overall I have to stand by my first point, if it doesn't win I don't know what's wrong with people!

Thank you for your review of my game! I really appreciate it!

There are a lot of things I would change myself when I go back to this game (one would be to get someone else to do the database and enemies. I suck at them.) 

I’ll also remember to add a screen at the start explaining that you can change the weapon in battle. Flurry and sweep are stick skills,  so you need to equip the stick for them to work.

I’ll take your comments under advisement and thank you for reviewing my game!

Thank you for your review! I really appreciate it!

I’m glad you enjoyed the game, and I’m glad you liked the skills. (I did it like that because some people like to challenge themselves with lower skills and others like me prefer to just blaze their way through battles to get to the next part of the story, so you really can customise your characters your own way!) 

I’ll take you comments under advisement when I go back to fix the game up.

Thank you again!

This was the comments I gave when playtesting the game, I figured I'd post here as well.

I love the graphics, they were Excellent. Though I loved your first ideas in the game progress thread I think that the style you settled on was very good.

Busts were lovely, especially Devon, loved Devon’s colours!

The music was Wonderful. Very good and thematic.

Gameplay was easy and fairly intuitive (though the pipe one did stump me for a moment. Lol)

I didn’t like having to go back to a map multiple times, but that might just be me, I like knowing all the information and not having to go back again and again to talk to someone (A little like Angela I think lol).

I like the characters, especially Devon, she was adorable! And not going to lie I immediately decided that she and Angela must become a couple! Because that’s what I do with characters when I’ve known them for more than 2 secs. (Don’t be insulted, this is a good thing, when I start pairing characters it means they’ve really resonated with me).

I understand that Lia is the main character, but I actually thought she was a mute for a while before I suddenly realised she was speaking! I think maybe I’m just used to having a face during a conversation to look at when someone is talking, having nothing other than the people on screen darken took me too long to realise it was another character (I might not be making sense!)

I thought the hints you dropped about the overall story were interesting and worth more exploration (which is obviously what you were looking for). I would have loved to see more of the story, and I hope you’ll continue the game after the contest. I also want to know why some of the characters are human and others were animallike.

The ending of the contest game got me thinking that maybe Angela and Devon are figments of Lia’s imagination (or she's schizophrenic or the adventure is going to parallel getting over something terrible, and coming to terms with the death of her sister or something) what with how they were talking about her and her sister (why would they all not continue to travel together) and also, I would love to know what happened in your world!

Overall the game was very good and I enjoyed it. It felt very short, but I know that was probably due to time constraints, and obviously I would love to know more of the world and what happened.

This was the comments I gave when playtesting the game, I figured Ii'd post here as well.

I love the graphics, they were Excellent. Though I loved your first ideas in the game progress thread I think that the style you settled on was very good.

Busts were lovely, especially Devon, loved Devon’s colours!

The music was Wonderful. Very good and thematic.

Gameplay was easy and fairly intuitive (though the pipe one did stump me for a moment. Lol)

I didn’t like having to go back to a map multiple times, but that might just be me, I like knowing all the information and not having to go back again and again to talk to someone (A little like Angela I think lol).

I like the characters, especially Devon, she was adorable! And not going to lie I immediately decided that she and Angela must become a couple! Because that’s what I do with characters when I’ve known them for more than 2 secs. (Don’t be insulted, this is a good thing, when I start pairing characters it means they’ve really resonated with me).

I understand that Lia is the main character, but I actually thought she was a mute for a while before I suddenly realised she was speaking! I think maybe I’m just used to having a face during a conversation to look at when someone is talking, having nothing other than the people on screen darken took me too long to realise it was another character (I might not be making sense!)

I thought the hints you dropped about the overall story were interesting and worth more exploration (which is obviously what you were looking for). I would have loved to see more of the story, and I hope you’ll continue the game after the contest. I also want to know why some of the characters are human and others were animallike.

The ending of the contest game got me thinking that maybe Angela and Devon are figments of Lia’s imagination (or she's schizophrenic or the adventure is going to parallel getting over something terrible, and coming to terms with the death of her sister or something) what with how they were talking about her and her sister (why would they all not continue to travel together) and also, I would love to know what happened in your world!

Overall the game was very good and I enjoyed it. It felt very short, but I know that was probably due to time constraints, and obviously I would love to know more of the world and what happened.

Ok, I'm just going to do this in points as to what I liked, what I didn't etc, its in no particular order.

1. graphics were very good, tilesets fit the theme, and bust where well presented.

2. Interesting world concept, I enjoyed the idea of how the justice system works and the motivation Bail has to get the right person to turn u for trial. Very impressed by the thought that went into that, and the dialogue was excellent.

3. I hate that it's not a completely seperate battle screen, seeing the map dimmed beneath the fight was very off putting for me, an actual battle screen I feel may have made things easier to see. the entire first battle I didn't realise we'd moved to a battle screen at all, it was very disconcerting.

4. The mapping was good, but once we left the warehouse area there were no real indicators as to where I should be going and when we were directed back to the cafe I was sort of like "Whyyyyyy? I could have gone in there first and sorted the whole thing out without nearling getting lost checking doors that wouldn't open!" but that might just be me.

Overall the game was intersting and I liked it, I would love to see more. I think you've put a lot of effort and thought in. I would like to note that I was afraid to talk to anyone in case I ended up in a battle, so you might want to think about some way to show who is safe to talk to.

Also, sassy Granny in the cafe for the Win! I love that old woman!

Ok, I'm just going to do this in points as to what I liked, what I didn't etc, its in no particular order.

1. graphics were very good, tilesets fit the theme, and bust where well presented.

2. Interesting world concept, I enjoyed the idea of how the justice system works and the motivation Bail has to get the right person to turn u for trial. Very impressed by the thought that went into that, and the dialogue was excellent.

3. I hate that it's not a completely seperate battle screen, seeing the map dimmed beneath the fight was very off putting for me, an actual battle screen I feel may have made things easier to see. the entire first battle I didn't realise we'd moved to a battle screen at all, it was very disconcerting.

4. The mapping was good, but once we left the warehouse area there were no real indicators as to where I should be going and when we were directed back to the cafe I was sort of like "Whyyyyyy? I could have gone in there first and sorted the whole thing out without nearling getting lost checking doors that wouldn't open!" but that might just be me.

Overall the game was intersting and I liked it, I would love to see more. I think you've put a lot of effort and thought in. I would like to note that I was afraid to talk to anyone in case I ended up in a battle, so you might want to think about some way to show who is safe to talk to.

Also, sassy Granny in the cafe for the Win! I love that old woman!


1. Art is awesome, as expected and loved! (you know I love your art MakioKuta!)

2. I got a bit overwhelmed by the amount of characters in the game at first, there was a lot going on and I was a bit lost for a while, but as the game progressed I got more used to it. The ingenious way of showing the characters in the little boxes so the screen didn't get over crowded was brilliant!

3. I loved the mechanics for training, and the option to slack off, those were fun!

4. The story was interesting, and I liked the characters and theor little stories (except Perry, he annoyed me no end! Loved Nikolai, Langford and Chris though, and Daniel sounds like me when I get really into my phone games! lol. I liked how you let us get into the mechanics of the game, and get used to the general way things worked in the game competion while adding all the hints that you don't realise are important until what happens in Episode 3.

I was so surprised, and then was all "So that's a huge reason why his brother..." and I loved it. and I need more, so you had better hurry up and make more so I can get to the bottom of this mystery and win this contest!

In short, I loved the whole thing and look forward to more!


1. Art is awesome, as expected and loved! (you know I love your art MakioKuta!)

2. I got a bit overwhelmed by the amount of characters in the game at first, there was a lot going on and I was a bit lost for a while, but as the game progressed I got more used to it. The ingenious way of showing the characters in the little boxes so the screen didn't get over crowded was brilliant!

3. I loved the mechanics for training, and the option to slack off, those were fun!

4. The story was interesting, and I liked the characters and theor little stories (except Perry, he annoyed me no end! Loved Nikolai, Langford and Chris though, and Daniel sounds like me when I get really into my phone games! lol. I liked how you let us get into the mechanics of the game, and get used to the general way things worked in the game competion while adding all the hints that you don't realise are important until what happens in Episode 3.

I was so surprised, and then was all "So that's a huge reason why his brother..." and I loved it. and I need more, so you had better hurry up and make more so I can get to the bottom of this mystery and win this contest!

In short, I loved the whole thing and look forward to more!

thank you so much for your lovely comment. I truly appreciate your kind words. 

Unfortunately I lost all game progress at the start of the last week and had to redo all the events, and the maps had to be made parralaxs so the game didn’t quite get the polish (or bug testing) I was hoping for.  I will be going back after Christmas to remap and polish the events and battle system. (Btw, Zaheers father can craft the highest level gems in the game!) and I will be adding a few extra maps and more gameplay to the game!

I’m glad you liked the story and I do hope you’ll play again to reach the end.  (I may even add an extra ending to unlock in the newer version) 

Thank you again for your lovely review!

I love your games generally, I always think they’re very clever and funny and very well done. I was just getting tired last night while playing so I think it makes the game seem longer than it should have felt. I am very much enjoying it,  and the puzzles are very clever. My only want would be a little more direction for them, just for people like me who suck at working puzzles out I. Any length of time. Lol.

I’ll finish the game tonight and let you know what I think of the rest of it.

Ok, here's my review. I've tried to avoid spoilers.

I chose Narritive

I chose 60 steps between encounters

Because I like a good story, and not so much battles and stuff.

Enemy names are awesomely funny! Battle backs pretty cool, however I feel I should have chosen a higher number of steps between battles, because I'm starting to get annoyed at the battles, which is never good. Though the sheilding was a clever battle mechanic. Take my battle review with a pinch of salt, Ii'm not a battle srt of a person, I tend to coast through the story, escaping as many battles as I can following the plot and then grinding like mad at the end when I realise the final boss is was more powerful than I am!

I felt the puzzles were very awkward. I spent ages trying to figure it out, to the point where I was wandering about both the current and the growths just sort of hoping for the best.

I haven't progessed further than the growths yet. I've saved and stopped, and will play more tomorrow and continue.

Now for the fun stuff, I loved your characters and the dialogue was, as always with the games you guys make, clever and very witty. Overall the story feels pretty light and easy to follow, I'm not feeling bogged down in angst or drama, and everything sort of flows naturally between the characters.

The mapping, again as always, is amazing, and I am so jealous!

So far the game is good, and I'm enjoying it, and I want to reach the end so badly, but clocking in right now at 1 hr 38 mins it almost feels too long, and I simply can't continue it tonight, but I will offer a second review when I continue.

Thanks for the review. I'm not sure what could have happened during the shop scene, everytime I test played it I never got a frozen screen... Very confused.

I'd also thought I'd custom routed the maid.

I knew there were some errors in the game, but given that I had to redo all the eventing due to an error that corrupted the file, I'm disappointed you didn't manage to get further and I will have to see what I can do further to fix things when I come back to the game in the new year (which is my plan!)

Thanks again!