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Hi Group1616! 

This is a solid arcade-style game that is simple to pick up and surpisingly difficult to master. I love how the rapid obstacle movement forces the player to react quickly and think on their toes. Great job!

Theme: I thought this fit the theme of the jam very well. The music created the sense of urgency expected in a fast paced game, and the sharp and responsive character controls really gave this game a white-knuckled feel. Well done!

Creativity: So simple, yet so fun! Just a few shapes and a few colors and you get a great game worthy of a few dozen attempts.

Engagement: I could totally see this being a blast at an arcade or something. Definitely worthy of a few dozen attempts or so! One way to improve this would be to include a high-score board. That way, the player has a goal to compete and it may lead to more time invested in the game. 

Design: Your game makes everything work with beautiful simplicity. It seems like you had a solid understanding of how you wanted your player to feel during the game, and the game mechanics reflected that desired feel. Nice!

Audio: I loved the sound track! Unfortunately, the awesome music cuts out when you use the slow motion powerup. Its a shame, I think having that audio crank back up to full speed would really add to this game.

Visuals: Again, you did so much with so little! The simple geometry is beautiful and the trail effects of the moving polygons gives this game a unique retro feel. I was distracted by the bloom however. It kind of made me feel like I needed to put my glasses on. 

Polish: This kind of piggy-backs on what I said for visuals, but honestly the bloom made it difficult to focus at times. I like the idea of having it, its just a little over-zealous. Additionally, I felt the bug with the audio was a key missed opportunity in the game.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing your work in the future!

Best Regards,

Brandon from TheIndieDream

Thank you for the kind words we really appreciate it and have also updated the game to fix the audio issue you encountered as the game now has the music change to a lower pitch when slowing down time as it should have been. Think a high score board is a great idea as well and again would like to thank you for playing our game :)