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" thanks."

Vincent: Cool. Seeya! 

He walks away, going downstairs to answer the door. 

"....This is great. No Cigs everrr! That'll be the worst.."

He very slowlllyy sat on the bed

He hears the door open downstairs, and the sound of a young woman sobbing-her and Vincent talking 


Vincent talks to the girl in a low, comforting voice. He can hear Vince gathering things-and then a crashing sound 


Viktor slowly came out of the room and wandered towards the stairs

Vincent: ...I'm so sorry miss-I really didn't mean to scare you...hey-hey it's's ok...shhh...he's gone...he's gone now...shhh...

Viktor can still hear the young woman sobbing, louder this time. 

He peeked down the stairs at Vincent and the woman.

It's a teenage girl, eyes wide and panicked. She has deep scratches on her arm and she's bleeding heavily, sobbing. Some books got knocked off of a stand-there are books cluttering nearly every surface in this house-making the crashing noise that Viktor heard. 

Vincent: Shh...shhh...I know, I's ok...I promise-he's not going to hurt you again...shh...

He's hugging the girl, not putting any pressure on her arm, comforting her. She gradually calms down 

Vincent: Ok...I'm going to treat those scratches for you-you're absolutely sure he didn't bite you, right? 

???: Y-yeah...