I'm enjoying this, but I keep getting thrown off by how close she stands to the line. Like a Perfect is when the enemy is slightly overlapping her, and then when she attacks she takes a step forward and moves past the enemy. Any time I find myself going on visuals because the beat isn't clear in the music or I haven't played a song before, I find myself consistently hitting the beats too early. I wish it was like Muse Dash, where the character is a step or so behind the line and then steps forward to hit the enemy when they attack.
Also, I'm really not a fan of the blue enemies. Sometimes they're a quick double tap and sometimes the second hit isn't until a full note or two later and there's not really any visual feedback on which it's gonna be except for the red circle after you hit them. I basically fail them every time until I've already played a song and know how they're going to react.
That said, the game is super polished and looks great. I just hope you guys iron a few things out before the full release.