Hello, there's some misinformation in this topic. I hope I can clarify.
- We can help you get a refund for any transaction done on itch.io, and we have a generous refund policy. Contact support if you need to request a refund and we'd be glad to help
- Some purchases done with a legacy PayPal API are not directly refundable by us, the developer needs to initiate the refund, or you'll need to open a dispute. EDIT 2020: We've long since moved away from this legacy API, we can help process a refund for any purchase on our system, reach out to support with your payment details and we'll help you out.
- We take piracy very seriously. Please report content that you think is problematic. We actively review reports and suspend any accounts that are violating our terms of service. We do not, however, suspend accounts if there is not substantial evidence.
- Regarding the seller https://tsopic.itch.io/, there's little information about these games. We don't have enough information to believe that the person illegally distributing the games. If you can point us to any information about the games or developer of them we can investigate more.