There was clearly a tonnnn of work and creativity thrown into this game. Lots to love about it:
-Action sequencing was very creative. I saw you make use of jumps, rotations, multiple motions, multiple action effects and animations. You clearly worked hard on those! (come join my server - we work on action sequences in there a lot :) )
-Edited battlers with their gun idle motions . . . amazing and suuuuuper cool looking (particularly Juvia's Dual P90 Idle pose. Very nice touch)
-Progression system with gear, weapons, upgrades
-TP = ammo system
I thought it was very fun getting geared up and strong enough to oneshot zombies. I think a lot of people may struggle with many aspects though.
- Storytelling has rough English, which isn't a huge deal, but there is waaaaaaaayyyyy too much text. Even if the writing was spectacular, no one wants to read for 15 minutes for a game jam game.
The ending scenes with a million different characters didn't really make sense to me, and I admit I lost patience and just sped through all the dialog.
-Pacing: It takes much too long to get into the action. Players should be given control very quickly in a jam game, like within 1-3 minutes.
-Combat balance: So you need many allies to stand a chance against zombies, but it takes a long time to get them, and there are random encounters throughout. I imagine lot of players would just say this is too hard a game and give up early. Even after finding allies, running out of ammo makes players useless (unless they have awesome machetes), so if a player isn't situated to buy ammo, they will be in trouble.
Further, the Anomaly boss is impossible to beat under normal circumstances. You can all characters at maximum gear, and still lose. The only winning strategy is to grind money and buy lots of ammo and life up supplies. This is not a good boss design.
Given that you oneshot zombies, then can't beat the boss - this is a recipe for frustration.
I did enjoy the game. It just needs a bit of polish, particularly in writing and combat balance. But the bones are there for a super fun zombie hunting rpg.