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A member registered Feb 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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yeah you right on this... i was not aware of that, i put to minimum clue on item type,weapon cost, skill core which is important to stop enemy special ability. 

last week i caught an idea to slip a tips on loading screen or on z-system tips menu.
like using spinner when enemy has glowing aura to stop them, using high quality satchel mean you had a proper preperation to use many skill.
or tips something like gathering resources.

the other choice is create a battle script tutorial battle and equip.... which is not my type. cuz i really teribble tutorial giver when it come to simulation script battle tutorial or equip guide. but i will give it try. digging in the forum seeking for further good way to aproach with the player. to make player understand it without being annoyed.

some script event that ask to buy certain gear maybe will do the job to player to figure it out.

ohhhhhhhhhh...... now i see it..... yes.... damn i was careless in this. maybe i will put some tutorial buy gear and medical supply then make them battle the enemy that has high rate on active ability, and i give order to use skill that prevent enemy special ability on the beginning of the game. yeah maybe i will go with this kind of idea.

thank you very much for the feedback....
i didn`t had a tester before so i don`t know what missing in this game, now with other people point of view, i can see this game weakness.

it was good choice that i take this oppurtunity to join the jam and looking for the feedback. this will improve the game a lot.
and what about other stuff like upgrade the home base?
im planing to expand this idea...

Thank you for playing the game...
and im really sorry for the grammar, i will fix the intro,dialogue and balance in the game soon. but i can`t do it now while its still in rating period.
this is my first time join a game jam and so im little bit confuse when i put one of my theme with the one rule of the jam which is 30 minute gameplay. and with writing rate too. so i combine everything in my head just like that. a scene that describe the situation in the story for writing and survival theme for the gameplay. boy this is need time to understand. 

one of my theme is survival which is it will take player time to understand the mechanism of the game, and silly me, i put i really long intro of the game. so it make player run out the time to understand what situation is there.

-as i write before one of my theme is survival... where its ask to player to use their resources carefuly and wise, and i create a very high chance escaped from random encounter, where you can use oppurtunity to run and save your ammo or fight the enemy and gather their resources, you either can chose to fight small number encounter to slowly build your character in safe way, or fight a 3-4 enemy in single encounter to get massive resources but with more risk.... this is why i got stuck with the balance, because i put survival theme there, where i put a mechanism for player to understand how to use everything they have wisely and act carefully, but with the long intro it give player feeling to get the game done asap. this is the mistake i had, i forgot this game jam took only 30 minute, where my gameplay beyond that... sorry for this.

 -about the Anomaly(boss) for the boss he is defeatable. even when you not use any armor and only had 2grade weapon, the most important when fighting the boss is 

 1.satchel for you to perform skill many time.

 2.juvia skill called spinner that can stun the boss for 1 turn with 100% success. you must use this when you see the anomaly has glowing aura on his head. when anomaly has aura around them thats mean the boss want to use special ability, and this is juvia job to counter it. must had at least 4-10 large ammo pack when fighting the boss. for restore health item, i put so many blood capsule in the hospital.

definitely will fix the intro, dialogue and some balance system.

thank you for playing the game and for the feed back...
yeah i will fix the battle balance, intro and dialogue...

for now i can`t fix the game due its still in rating period.
there will be major fix in the next demo plus.

as for how the game works for now...
-one of my theme is survival... where its ask to player to use their resources carefuly and wise, and i create a very high chance escaped from random encounter, where you can use oppurtunity to run and save your ammo or fight the enemy and gather their resources, you either can chose to fight small number encounter to slowly build your character in safe way, or fight a 3-4 enemy in single encounter to get massive resources but with more risk.... this is why i got stuck with the balance, because i put survival theme there, where i put a mechanism for player to understand how to use everything they have wisely and act carefully, but with the long intro it give player feeling to get the game done asap. this is the mistake i had, i forgot this game jam took only 30 minute, where my gameplay beyond that... sorry for this.

-about the Anomaly(boss)
for the boss he is defeatable. even when you not use any armor and only had 2grade weapon, the most important when fighting the boss is
1.satchel for you to perform skill many time. 
2.juvia skill called spinner that can stun the boss for 1 turn with 100% success. you must use this when you see the anomaly has glowing aura on his head. must had at least 4-10 large ammo pack when fighting the boss. for restore health item, i put so many blood capsule in the hospital.

-one of the theme is cheat/exploit
there is one item that can turn you into invicible permanently, this called zabel gabriel serum, you give one every member and it will insanely increase their status, you give them two each and you had no worries get hit by random encounter, give them 3 each member is already unfair for the game. you give them 4 serum each and the survival theme vanish from the game.

-about grind or not.
if you understand the mechanism perfectly, you can beat the game just with 3 super box you find in the parking and loot every item hide in the game. no need for grinding. just always escape when you fight random encounter where you gather resources from the field map.
so it player choice if they want to beat the game with grind or not.

 yes i give a grind type game to player. but if some ask can we beat without the grind, is also yes, as long you understand the game mechanism.

Thank you again for the feed back, i will fix this soon.

thank you... now im still looking for plugin that let me equip melee and range weapon at same time without stacking the atk between melee and range weapon. the translation still in progress along with the balance of the game difficulty.

and all of this is good experience for me for the next game jam i would join.  to be honest this is my first time participate in the game jam.

so i think i will make it better for the next jam.

this is has a unique battle system... and i like it, ite reminds me of legend of legaia. and that little monster reminds me Betamon from digimon world 3.

your game bring so much nostalgia.... i really like it.
i think the voice act simple but kind of unique.

love the art... love the atmosphere of the game.... but this game make me feel sad with the story and gameplay...

this game is good.... you really did a good job with this game.

hidden cheats theme is really suited with this game.

combined pokemon vibe and SOF Akuma pose is quite giving me a shock lol 

more amazing you put 2 battle system in this game. i also want to learn that.... hehehe

Thank you very much for playing my game... well you can enjoy the demo plus later where story not ended when you met with max.

and about the full version, i think it will need time because i want to put vehacle and base customization. where you can modificate your car and build your base. recruit other character to build your home base. add some farm/fishing.

and i hope i can put the vehacle modification in the demo plus...

just little spoiler in demo plus.... more weapon, more recruitable character. more upgrade type. you can upgrade your home base to max lv 4 or 5. but in this demo jam you only got lv 2. so this will be different than the demo

and the upgrade has a type so you need to chose... what kind type of base you want to make.

for now i will collect all feed back that will help me improve the game. so it will take time. 

see you later in the demo plus...

yeah im sorry about the grammar.... to be honest english is my 3rd language. and i made this game from my novel, so the translation is  akward.

and about the surviving  in early game, you can just escape till you got 4 people in your party, and be sure to take 3 important box in the parking area. one of this box give you zp to buy highest weapon in the game. (theme - hidden cheat or exploitation)

and the theme about survival i put some cheap price and expensive price for player. so they can figure it out how to use item wisely because some item has a same amount of healing but give different effect. and there a situation where they can save their ammo just by avoid trouble fighting random encounter. 

the anomaly will become go berserk if you didn`t kill it in 25 turn or more, so the best strategy is to equip the best satchel to increase your max ammo and using the 2nd grade weapon or ultimate weapon and spam ultimate skill on it. believe me,,, even me as creator find it very hard to survive when anomaly goes berserk.

many player maybe think, satchel just some useless equip. no..... satchel is your breath when you fighting a boss or super boss. because to use ultimate skill, you need a lot of max ammo, if you don`t had much max ammo, you can`t perform ultimate skill.

and the most important thing is  when you fight boss or anomaly. when you see them has aura. fast use juvia skill called spinner to stun the anomaly.

the aura you see on the anomaly means they want to use special ability. and this ability is very deadly if you didn`t stop it.

about the 30 minute rule, i already cut some cutscene and put the exploit. and hope it will go smooth with 30 minute. cuz i beat this game in 26 minute with reading...... . i was wrong miscalculated this.  but what is done is done.

i can`t fix the game now while this still in rate peroid. when the jam is over. i will take all the feed back and launch the demo plus....
and i thank you for your feed back. i will make it better.

the story kinda rush i think.
we even don`t know detail about the MC here.
he save two world within couple a minute.....
and the MC is to OP...

the reload mechanism is really good. i like it.

this game is unique... i like it
i love thats action sequince and voice act.
the story is pretty good.
kinda laugh my self when on mission using car...  this mission is the one i love the most.

(2 edits)

I`m really sorry about the grammar and translate i had for the game. english is not my first langauge. and i nearly hit the deadline before i can correct some mistake / glitch in the game.  sorry... 

the terrorism stuff will took many time to explain latter in the story.
but the foreshadow about how  thats happen i put some hint  on the synopsis that i put in the download page, and little bit hint when lucifer and gabriel talk about killing innocent people to save humanity.

and about how marcus  instantly go to hospital room where felix is being coma. i just cut some part of the game. so it wont take to long for player to play the game.the game jam supposed to play for 30 minute. but my demo is beyond that play time. so i decided it to cut some event and go to the game play.

If you interested maybe i will update the original demo... where the story is not ended there.

i often stuck and  can`t hit the enemy when i`m already charge my energy to kill the enemies.
but i managed to the ending. 

just my personal opinion - if there any trap to make both player and enemies stun for couple second. it will make the game more engaging.

especially when you place the trap in the boss where giant baby summoning the enemies.

the story is good... and the art is adorable...  especially the credit art is great
and the voice sound of the babies...haha love the most.

i just think the boss is a little bit weak.
overall fun game to played.

glad you`re enjoy it.
yeah about ammo bar color, at the beginning when make the game i want to change all the bar, but my work nearly hit the dead line so... i just go with the default.

i will change it in the demo Plus... along with several glitch... if the glitch was found in the demo.
if you find any bug or glitch. please inform me.

thank you for playing my game...
i just see your review videos and its good.

haha sorry for the english translation. yeah english is not my first language, i didn`t put much attention on that part and the font. i just focus on battle system,map,crafting,costumize default asset and any other stuff. and i`m doing this all alone, im single or solo game dev.

all those people who in credit that adress on special thanks is people who give me advice on how make something better. and i want to honor them by put their name on credit scene.

and i make this demo under 20days before the mz trial is ended  . so i just rush it and some of work i forgot to fix it. the demo suposed ended on prison escape arc story. but because i don`t  have that much time to put it all in one place, i just cut demo and ended in freya assasination arc story.  i spent 2 days on testing my demo and its quite make me panic, cuz i found a lot of issue but i managed to fix it, but there some more issue i didn`t see. like those unsellable weapon craft. God im so careless.

but seeing you play it for more than 1 hour in a cut demo is give some good feeling about my decision on cut the demo. because the prison arc is has many dialogue story and cutscene, i`m afraid the player will bored with long dialogue. and its long arc and have more annoying boss.

as for now i`m still developing my game, but i can only touch and develop on map making and customize asset for now. and i can`t touch on developing my system because the mz trial is already expired. so for now i can not access my game engine and change anything on it.

hope next month i can own the engine and continue my work.

and maybe i will put a demo plus, where my original plan  on the demo.

yeah thats sound a good idea.

i think after  i own the engine i will make the demo plus where the story ended on the prison arc story.

so for now you can wait.

and thanks again for your review. its really helping. especially when you find those typo and unsellable crafting weapons.

haha really sorry about that.