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I tried to play your game for the Secret Santa, but unfortunately it crashed right after it says that I'm entering the L.U.S.I.D. Lobby (screenshot of the error). 

Thanks for the bug report. I've made a working version of the game available from my personal webspace, and I'll replace the version here as soon as the IGMC rules allow me to.

Alrighty, I game the working version a try, and it seems like it could be interesting.  I like puzzle games, but not ones with time limits or requiring quick button presses (I prefer to take my time when solving things and don't play well under pressure) so I stopped when I got stuck on Stage 12.  Personally I thought the first five stages could've been combined a bit, as it felt like it dragged on before I was free to do some real puzzles.  I also had a minor gripe with talking to Noab, even if he was a ghost it would've been nice to not keep walking through him when trying to interact!

You've got an interesting idea here, I hope you keep working and improving it . :)