What types of cards or upgrades would you like to see?
Cards that come at a short term loss for a long term benefit. e.g. "Misdirect": the enemy magician gets a small percentage increase to his affection on the following turn but the player gets a larger increase on his following turn. Similarly, a card where the player can risk decreasing the enemy magician's affection next turn with a small chance it significantly decreases their own. Cards that have persistent effects.
What types of enemies would you like to see added to the game?
Off-brand real magicians. David Plain (David Blaine), Kris Angle (Chris Angel), Pencil & Shouter (Penn & Teller), etc.
Does the overall movement of the affection slider feel good?
I think some particle effects would be a nice addition. Or even some shaking of the bar when significant affection increase/decrease occurred.
Is there any other additions you would like to see?
Real comments: When you win a match, you should be able to spend affection/money earned on items or cards that will impact future matches. Additionally, different 'stages' could have different impacts on how much affection certain cards play out. E.g. a "saw in half card" might do well on the "grand stage", but not as much at "child's birthday party", whereas the reverse might be true for a card like "Pull rabbit from hat"
Meme comment: The audience should move when you win like the hands at the end of this video.
Small comment about development. I think you guys are using normal Unity Text and it's causing the font to come out a bit blurry. Using TextMeshPro will avoid this issue and produce clearer font. If this is just happening on my end or to be fixed ignore this bit.