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Love seeing the way you handled the building concept as opposed to Blooey's Path, both games feel very unique with a similar idea. Some of those levels made me struggle (but mostly because I am stubborn and need to get the gem in each level lol).

I feel like the game loosely fits the theme and would've liked some sfx or music but I can understand getting that all together in a short time can be hard. I like how simple the mechanics are and how easy it is to get into each level, and I enjoy the ability to have certain spots effect how the block moves like the rotation spots. It felt rewarding learning that you can rotate blocks and then move them out of the rotation spot to keep them rotated afterwards, love that mechanic a lot. Nice job!


Thanks for all the kind words <3. I got started on the game pretty late into the game jam (4 days in I think) so a lot of stuff was rushed and I never got around to any audio. I loved seeing players find different ways to complete the levels and find the gems and I tried my best to let the player figure out stuff on their own so they would experiment and try different things.