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Hmm, that IS very strange. I have a few questions if you don't mind. Do you interact with this storage at all? Do you add/remove items into that same tile? Do you/bots walk into the same tile at all? When you say "over time" how much time are you meaning?

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I do pick it up some times cause its my "Recharge Bot " data storage for when ever i need a new recharge bot but not for anything else. The tile is only used for the data storage. and i dont unless im going to pick it up and the bots dont not that i know of its kind of out of the way. By time i actually mean - because i just discovered this - every time you load up the saved state.

I tried doing what you said and couldn't make it happen. Could you send me your map file please?

(1 edit)

You got an email i could use i have no idea how to do it otherwise.

Also here's what it looks like after one save and load.


You can send it a number of ways.

email :

Discord : join our Discord server and send it in a Direct Message.

Internet File Sharing : I use DropBox but there are loads of free online file sharing services available.


Thanks for the level. I'll have a fix for that in the next version.
