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I really don't wanna know what celibate is, sometimes ignorance is for the best, but I do wanna know if the name is just for style or if it will in fact be based on Cthulhu Mythos. 

(And also please warn in advance if there will be "monster sex", rape or any crazy shit. I really am not into it, not at all actually)

Hi, there! The game has no connection to Lovecraft / Cthulhu lore, just historical "real world" mythos.

There also won't be any rape at all, let alone if the monster variety. :) 

Thank the gods there won't. And you mean like "urban legends" or creepy historical figures such as Jack the Ripper? Either way, I'll still play the game 'cause I really like games which risk walking the psychological horror path since it takes a lot of creativity. I'll make another comment more "review-oriented" once I'm done with it. 

Urban legends will be part of it, as well as more "traditional" mythology - vampires, fae, sorcerers, et al. 

Though I will warn you that I'm not planning on dipping into horror, since the story is mean to be a comedic murder mystery in the vein of films like Clue, Murder By Death, or (arguably) Knives Out. Not to discourage you from trying it out, of course! I just didn't want you going in without knowing what you were getting in to. 

I just noticed that, for some reason, the tagline wasn't showing at the top of the page, so I rectified that!


I'm back after playing through and I can say that this game isn't just any shit, it's THE shit. First and foremost, sorry for missing the genre of the game, I thought it was going be an experience inclined towards horror due to it's description. And honestly the dry, straightfoward humor of the game is much better! And you managed to blend it well with the mistery, like characters just having a nice, normal conversation with the MC, making jokes and what not until they "talk to much", y'know what I mean? The mood changes so suddenly.

So far the only character that I don't trust by one bit is B for MANY obvious reasons and that note is just one of them (sorry for not being specific, trying to keep everything spoiler-free), and the stuff about the MC makes me believe that everyone else he met including Tara are all involved but I could be wrong and she's just a loyal friend. 

On the technical part I believe that the only flaw for now is not having a "hide" button, but that's just a minor luxury, not really a flaw at all. And something that probably would be useful in the near future is a "relationship point system", since it got a bit confusing about knowing where I was going with each girl apart from Tara and Rain since both were pretty straightfoward on that matter. 

What surprised me were the animations which are almost 100% smooth, something VERY RARE for android. Believe me, I know. And I really liked the lorebook, it's really handy to have something like that in VNs that have a lot of characters, places, factions, etc. 'cause it means that the player won't need to wreck havok on his own brain to remember about a tiny detail that was mentioned ALL the way back in the first chapter, everything is recorded. 

I'll probably playthrough the game again with the female character just to see what changes and to go with different choices. The game has a lot of potential and I have big expectations for it. Can't wait for the next chapter. 

Thank you so much for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I actually didn't KNOW you couldn't hide the text on the Android version -- someone just pointed it out to me yesterday; I'm going to be fixing that in the very near future.

I don't even know how it works, to be honest. Some devs add the actual button while others add the "swipe down" action on the code which triggers the same thing, but it is in fact possible to do one or the other.