This is a dreadfully awful review. The only info to be gained from it is to remind the reader not to be a terrible ass to a dev that’s just trying to make stuff, improve, and make more stuff.
hey, princess if you cannot take criticism then don't put your stuff online. I gave you my honest feedback you over-sensitive snowflake. Sorry I guess your only looking for people willing to give hand jobs and not the truth because your not looking to improve your just looking to stay crappy dev that only gives props to the people willing to stroke it. It sucked and I stand by the fact that your game suck and I had a horrible time playing that trash.
there's criticism and then there's bitching. if you don't like the game and want to suggest feedback, that's fine, but do it in a respectable way otherwise you should really not expect anyone to take you seriously. there's a reason there's a disparaging gap between up and downvotes. also space owl isn't the dev of this game lol.
i did in my first comment say the game playwas nothing more then just searching for the right place to go next to advance the game and that was boring and the only thing scary about the game is how much your going to want to claw your eyes out with a fork to combat the bordom that this game offers because of how much pointless wondering there is. whcih makes the game a waste of time and not a whole lot of fun to play.