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I played 2.0 and was enjoying, until I found a maskling "village" after that everything went down hill because they started to attack every unit I had, that was not in the city, whether it was near them or extremely far away. Also because after a while I started seeing more and more huge hoards of masklings and less and less frames to the point where it was unplayable. Other than that it was pretty good, didn't really get far enough to find many/any bugs or come up with a feature that people might enjoy in this game, keep up the good work. 

I got a city with 3 completely full regions with buildings and once I saved it and than loaded it up I had like 10 frames per second. Normaly when I have this FPS drop after loading I have like 2 frames per second

My city was rather big and I had fine FPS. How long were you playing, like in a matter of years?

I was at Mid Summer 624 and I think it starts on 530 so 94 years. That's longer than I thought.