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I've been using Superpowers since the beginning and I've got a... handful of presentable projects to show off. Most of them are unfinished, but that's just because I get bored of things easily and University is hard.

Here's my first big project, intended to be an exploratory narrative driven type game. I got hung up around the time I realized I didn't really have a good story to write and I was totally dependent on my friend to create my art assets.

So then here's my second big project, a 2D platformer hack and slasher that I hope to return to someday, currently it's on hold simply because my schoolwork has taken precedence over my gamemmaking. (This project uses Superpowers' provided "ArcadePhysics2D" which is really easy to use and saved me a ton of time!)

But if you prefer something more interactive and playable here's a garbage game I made for my university's gamejam. I'm not even a little bit proud of it, but it exists. My themes were "Space" and "Oatmeal" so I didn't really have a lot to work with.

I'm usually pretty active in the community skype chat and am usually the first to complain about point out bugs as I find them in the editor.


Heh, I like Sw4rds. There's something very immediate about how heavy and solidly the player moves. It feels like it could be a cool strategic action game.


I have big plans for this game. :D