Wow! Thank you for your kind words and an even bigger thank you for your advice, it helped me a lot. It was down to the last minutes before the contest was over so there were a lot of things I'm sure I didn't finesse. The textbox and font was one of the things I unfortunately had to sacrifice before the deadline but they will get a custom graphic update and I'll try to figure out the text being only on 1/3 of the screen as well.
For some strange reason when I encrypted the game, it didn't run correctly so I had to upload the game as is in a last minute decision. It's ok though because I plan to update the graphics anyways. The HUD is a great idea! I'll try to see if there is a resource for something like that but if you know of any please let me know!
This is probably just the first dungeon in a longer game that I plan on to hopefully finish. Again, thank you for your comments and I hope to get a finished game to you guys soon!