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This seems like a cool idea for a game, but the controls are not good. The mouse is locked to a certain distance from the termite, so that means that the controls are super finicky and hard to use, which just makes the game less fun. And might give me carpal tunnel lol

(2 edits) (+1)

Fair criticism. The reason I kept with the fixed mouse distance was because I didn’t want the rate of rotation to depend on how far you mouse was from the termite (less distance to travel a circle the closer to the termite). Probably should have made it less sensitive by default but I got used to it after play testing it over and over again. Thanks for the feedback!

I think it would have been a lot more intuitive for the rate of rotation to depend on how far the mouse was. Having the termite point towards the mouse cursor would have been far, far more intuitive.

Thanks for the input! I’ll have to experiment with it after the jam voting is over.