Plankton you weren't even here in the dark ages.
the dark ages when pollywog god roleplayed as her oc and river shipped her character with bakugo? the age when my name used to be TheDarkFox1 then later TheDarthFox(something). the ages when you used to have a cuphead flower for pfp. THE AGES MY MIND JOINED THE SITH AND I TURNED INTO A ROLEPLAYER.
yeah. i've only heard of the dark ages.
I know it's you but you're not on here as much. Still happy you're here though! Just 3 ogs. Chillin'. Polywog God was the first of us to disappear... everyone cried that night. Then I left. Personal reasons don't ask me. And I don't know what happened but when I came back. MGM... didn't have my dear friends on it anymore... I was here in the dark ages and the new ages... but I missed the middle ages... I said goodbye to no one... and now they're all gone. With only you plankton here. I'm happy I have some old friends...
I have no idea what that was just go along with it XD