Thanks for your feedback! :D
I was surprised to realise that a lot of people didn't explore before entering the storeroom, as no one seems to have met the boy by the vending machine on their first play, which had a tip on the menu keys. It's kind of sad since I realised people must have missed out on some of the extra stuff I put in there, including the fact items can be viewed from the difficult-to-open menu. (Out of the 3 default menu keys, I disabled the one everyone uses? Oh boy!) Of course, there are always things that will be missed, but I learnt a valuable lesson to try and promote the things that I'd like people to notice a little bit more.
Your game was so detailed, I'm sure it must be the same. I regret that I didn't go back to try and discover all of the loose ends before finishing. I'm hoping to write a list of 'hidden gems' (punintentional) with yours on since I hope more people will give it a go. You have my support! <3
If there's anything in particular that you want to know how I achieved, just ask. It was most likely a plugin that I can link you to.