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Outside of a few technical issues, a solid game with a good challenge.


  • I much appreciate the color-coded projectiles to better know what the source of that projectile might be.
  • The controls were generally intuitive and the ability to just hold the fire button to continue firing projectiles is most appreciated (though it did slow the fire rate a bit when there were enough projectiles spawned in the world).
  • Everything that spawned in gave ample time for me to see it coming into the play space and respond to it before it started making my life harder so good work on slowly introducing things.
  • The in-game music was nice and didn't overly distract from the gameplay.


  • The aiming is frustrating. It seems there's a radius around my player character that the mouse movement will affect my aim, but my character is constantly moving and that forces me to constantly move my mouse keep it in the same position on the screen. This ends up forcing me to concentrate almost all of my attention on my immediate area around the player character and I end up not paying attention to the rest of the game as a result. I'd recommend removing the radius around the player character for mouse movement to change player character aim rotation.
  • The dash is a nice way to better move around the level and manage all the things that spawn in, but it feels like it's really easy to over-dash right now and run right into a wave of projectiles. You might try making the dash a far more short-range movement that is more of a position shift than a sprint-mode.

I tested mostly on a controller, should have done mouse and keyboard more. I think holding down the fire button screws with reading the aim input. Cause I think if you don't hold down the fire button, you can aim just fine. But still thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the game.