I both love and hate this game. Love because I think the idea is great and is executed just fine, but I also hate it for its pointlessness, and the fact that I'm not 100% sure it captures the heart of the xkcd comic it's based on.
I personally read the comic as a release, that after struggling to win the game (of life?) for so long, you have won. You already won--you are free, you have been free. Struggle no more.
But I can also see how another person, like yourself, can read the comic and see it as winning the game before the game even starts, and using that idea to fuel "xkcd: The Game". And that's fine--both our readings are valid.
The "winning" cards are nice; I like that there are different ones that seem to be random (though there aren't many, I think there are 5 in all?), and the lines they say seem to be in the spirit of xkcd.
(Though I have mixed feelings about you calling it "xkcd: The Game".)
Overall, this is a simple "game". Thanks for making it.