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Fun stuff, the way the segments are cut up and the transitions between them are very satisfying though I feel like you could lean into quick killing stuff a bit more. The boss attacks being split into 10 second chunks was very fun too. Surprisingly high amount of polished content. The only two gripes are that the weapons felt half baked and just amounted to a DPS difference and that the player shots themselves always felt extremely weak in terms of presentation (DPS was balanced fine I think) cause of how tiny and thin they were, and the weird disappearance of bullets sometimes. Music's catchy as fuck

Thank you for the valuable feedback! I agree with you about the weapons. I actually wanted to make different sound effects for the weapons to differentiate them better, but I ended up running out of time. I'm not sure what you mean with the disappearing bullets, unless you're talking about the end of each stage, in which they're supposed to disappear when you clear a stage.

What I mean is that the game sometimes stops drawing the player's shots mid-travel, I think the bullets themselves still run the code and everything but the sprites disappear for a while, kinda creating these weird gaps. The distance varies, and whether or not they'll appear also varies, might be an issue on my end though