I was able to get it working with your instructions, and wow, I'm so glad it worked.
There's a lot of great run and dodge bullet hell games in the jam, but I think this is the one that did it for me the most. I really loved so many things about the vibe: the visual aesthetic is great; the way the game stays in a single camera continuous camera shot even when you die makes it so immersive; the way you can see the sides of a platform when you go up to the edge of it... and I really love what you did with filtering the audio.
I wanted to try doing something similar with the audio for the slow motion effect in my game, but I wasn't sure how to set that up, so I'm curious as to how you did it!
The levels and bullet variety were also really great. Even though the use of the theme was pretty straightforward, I thought you did a great job with it. Compared to having endless waves that spawn every ten seconds, I thought having distinct levels where you need to survive make you really feel the timer all the more.
The only level I really had something critical to mention about was the one with the huge, slow moving balls. I liked the design overall, but I thought the visual effect (I think it was bloom?) on it was just put on too much, and I had trouble seeing the smaller bullets that were interspersed between them.
I eventually got stuck for long enough on a level that I stopped, but this is definitely one that I'm going to come back to because I want to play it all the way through. I loved the game! Thanks for helping me get it to work :)