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(1 edit) (+1)

This is a nice little game! :) It was really fun to Katamari my way into everything and slowly grow larger and larger until I HAVE TAKEN THE WHOLE WORLD WITH MY POWERFUL KATAMARI CAR!  AHAHAHAHAHAHAH--


People who haven't played/aren't aware of Katamari Damacy will likely be very confused about this game; it'll take a bit for them to understand what they need to do.  If I didn't know about Katamari Damacy, I probably would've driven around for a while, confused and frustrated as I run into cars and hear a bad noise, until I happen to hit a small object which attaches to my car; after that, I might start to understand, or I might think I did something wrong.  The description is pretty vague, too, and doesn't really help a clueless player; you might want to edit the description or add a screen at the beginning of the game. 

Those who have played/heard of Katamari Damacy will likely find this game easy, but fun, like I did.  It's a charming little game.  The music track is pretty well chosen, though it does run the risk of becoming grating after a few loops.  The sound effects are very simple and more of them would be nice (cars honk when you collect them, sound of trees uprooting when you collect them, etc).

I don't understand why the game said "You're a star" at the end.  Is this a reference to Katamari Damacy,?  I haven't played it, I've only heard of it, so I don't know.

This was a fun little game.  Thanks for making it. :)

Very glad you enjoyed it :D

That's an excellent point on the instructions. Will update those when I can. I'd say hoped the people right at the start would dart into the road and demonstrate quickly, but no guarantees there.

Definitely could have used some more sound effects. A lot of the fun of the original was the sounds of wanton destruction. I just kinda ran out of time.

The star reference is absolutely a reference to Katamari, but hopefully it feels fine even if you don't pick up on it. In the game, your dad/the king of the cosmos gets drunk and breaks all the stars. So you're tasked with rolling up objects to make new stars. When you succeed, the king of your ball to the sky as a new star.