Among Us is technically Secret Neighbor, right?
I mean, Secret Neighbor has the Children and the Neighbor, just like Among Us has the Crewmates and the Imposter. The "tasks" you do in Secret Neighbor are technically getting keys, helping each other, and unlocking the basement door to get out of the house.
In Secret Neighbor, the Neighbor can hide in closets, like Imposters can hide in vents. The Neighbor has to disguise himself so that he doesn't become the center of attention, just like how the Imposter has to fit in with the rest of the crewmates, so that the Imposter doesn't become the center of attention.
So technically speaking, Among Us is basically Secret Neighbor. And I have proof so you don't need to downvote this comment. I'm not like the rest of the people on the internet. Those stupid gum-chewing no-proof idiots.