I played up to level 12 as I'm clueless on how to make progress there...
The game has potential but it could use a lot of tweaking particularly the level design and item placement. The best example is level 9 where you're asking the player to get the item and land instantly when you can just place the item that turns you to a different color right before you land on the platform. I think that kind of placement can work.
Also, while there is no rule as to whether you can mix with no scrolls or with scrolls, in this case for a puzzle platformer, I advise you to have levels with no scroll. This is because it not only helps in your levels being shorter(which means it motivates players to play them) but it also means that you can simplify the level design so that it'd be easier to figure out what you're supposed to do.
Maybe you need to make levels that can visually teach the player how to play your game rather than giving a block text. You can look for Box Boy for reference as its a good example.
Also...and this is optional(including the entire feedback!) but maybe you can give some level of hint on what you're supposed to do in the sections? Some games like Box Boy have them and that can motivate players to play the game further.
And lastly...have a delay of the death animation. I just randomly restart without having a clue on what I did that caused it.
Overall, has potential. Don't give up easily and all the best!