Feel free to make gif of it or anything you want, I really don't mind. I thank you for your detailed explanation but there are still some things that I do not understand.
Isn't the program supposed to preserve the best creature and so the drop in fitness shouldn't happen because of that?
Isn't the simulation deterministic so the same creature with the same brain should always behave exactly the same way?
Maybe the best creature is picked but for some reason some other creature is being displayed?
Also shoudn't the worst creatures be erased from the population and so there shouldn't be such a big gap between the best and worst creature?
You said that the bug doesn't happen often but for me it happens all the time. As you can see in the video the "best of" screen never shows anything other than a creature falling on it's face.
Are you the one who wrote the code behind the neural network or are you using some libraries for that?
And one last thing. Is there any chance of you releasing the source code to public?
BTW If you so like funny creatures here is one on wheels:
Hmm, may it be that the reason for the bug is that, you are reseting physical structure of creature but not it's brain at the start of "the best" simulation? Same reason could be the cause for that fitness drop.